Random post is random

Sep 01, 2010 14:45

In case it needs to be said, I would ask that none of the readers of this journal crosspost its contents to Facebook, Twitter, or any other site, whether it is a public or friends-locked entry. Also, since I see some of you are once again contemplating leaving LJ, be informed that I have a Dreamwidth account with this same user name at which all of my LJ's content is always crossposted. I welcome your comments on either site, and will also endeavor to comment only on DW for those of you who have a DW and an LJ, to avoid any accidental crossposting (which would be pretty difficult to happen seeing as how my LJ and my Facebook aren't linked and never will be, but you know, just to be safe).

I suppose I can't be as frightened or angry about these newest LJ antics as many of you are, however. The cow has been out of the barn since about 1996 when it comes to Internet privacy and me, which is how long I've been making websites, blogging, etc. under my legal name. I'm always going to need to do this to at least some extent if I want to use the Internet as a promotional tool anyway. So I basically just don't worry about it anymore beyond taking the general precautions of locking the most personal things, avoiding details, being cautious with other people's information, etc., because it's too late to change that now. I mean, hell, google my name and this LJ is the third result despite the fact that I have taken precautions, so I just kind of live with it. Which is not to say that I use my RL name everywhere, of course, or that everything I do online links back to this journal; in fact, I'm trying to be more cautious and pseudonymous in some areas of my online life and I hope succeeding thus far. Where this journal is concerned, though, it's too late, so I'll just try not to drag others down with me, I suppose.

Other than that, I've just returned from several days spent in St. Louis with dayzdark's family, during which his brother took his final vows as a Dominican monk. In the process of doing this I saw many parts of St. Louis and its surroundings, although probably not too many of the ones the St. Louis tourism board would have wanted me to see. It was a fun trip but also a very hectic one, and while I'm very glad we could be there, I'm also very glad to be home.

Now that I have both returned from this trip and completed the very fun 30-day memes that took up the bulk of my LJ posting for the past few months, I hope to post about some of the other books, movies, etc. that I have been enjoying this summer. However, this may take longer than anticipated due to the fact that in just over two weeks (!!!!!!!) dayzdark and I are going to Paris for a week! Both of us have been there before on separate backpacking trips and have already seen the main tourist sites (Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, etc.), so we are using this vacation to go a little more off the beaten track and see some of the things that one or both of us didn't get to on our previous brief visits (the catcombs, Montmartre and Sacre Couer, etc.), as well as to just relax and soak up the atmosphere of the city. We are also taking two day trips: one to Versailles (since neither of us has been and I've wanted to go there forever), and an overnight in Tours to attend a Leonard Cohen concert there (since when we found out that the European leg of his tour had been delayed to coincide with the date range we were thinking of for this trip anyway, we couldn't resist the opportunity to arrange things so that we could hear him for a second time). Apart from that, if any of you have suggestions for not-overly-touristed things we should do/see in Paris, we would welcome them.

Anyway, I have lots to post about and I am really excited for my vacation, but my break is over so I should probably get back to work instead of posting about them right now.

This entry was originally posted at http://gamerchick.dreamwidth.org/568817.html. You can comment on either journal. Number of comments on Dreamwidth:

lj specific, weekend update, europe, audience participation, family, vacation

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