Please don't forget my band's show at the Terminal Bar tomorrow night at 9 p.m. or thereabouts. It will be acoustic and that's about all I know about it. Fun times! Hope to see you there. (c:
Previous episode
here. With the crew in the middle of an extremely bad situation, Osiris hails Renown, hoping to get through to Admiral Rebecca Shole. He wants to convince her to use her influence to shelter the crew (and possibly Sekhmet?) from Admiral Nolan and Temerarious - but first, he has to get past the rather officious lieutenant who answers, and who doesn't believe Osiris's story for one minute. Finally, Osiris browbeats him into putting Shole on the line by saying that they know what's happening with Shole's guest, Nicolas Navarra, and that they can help her. When Shole picks up, Osiris explains the situation with Nolan, and then admits to having sent Nik to the ship, but says that he knows only part of what the crew knows about ATS-LIDD. Osiris still believes that the crew can help Shole, but there's nothing they can do with Nolan breathing down their neck. He begs Shole to override Nolan's authority and take the crew aboard Renown; since both of them are of the same rank, she should be able to do that. When Shole balks at this, Osiris plays his trump card: He tells Shole that he knows where Sekhmet is because she has been traveling with Black Cat, that she is nearby, and that if she takes Black Cat's crew aboard, he'll tell her where Sekhmet is so they can all be taken aboard - with the stipulation that Shole not do anything rash.
Finally, this is what Shole needed to hear. Renown quickly fixes a stasis beam on Black Cat and pulls it aboard into a cargo bay. Osiris tells Shole that Sekhmet is hiding on the dark side of the moon, and the crew soon sees her shuttle being pulled aboard as well. Black Cat ends up in a cargo bay, while Sekhmet is apparently taken elsewhere. The crew cools their heels for almost an hour until a large group of people in environmental suits enters the cargo bay, Shole among them. A table and chairs are brought in, and Shole sits down across from the crew to tell them several things: Sekhmet is safe, but she has been transferred to a maximum-security holding cell for the time being, since she resisted being brought aboard and Shole is concerned that she might try to escape or hurt someone. "Captain Nicolas" is in critical condition following his collapse, and Shole's doctors believe it is unlikely that he will survive. Finally, Nolan and Temerarious are gone for now following Shole claiming jurisdiction, but Nolan stated that he thinks Shole has been corrupted like Sekhmet was, and says that he'll tell Alliance High Command what she's done and try to get her rank revoked.
Now it's time for the crew to prove to Shole that she didn't make a mistake taking them aboard - and they do just that. They tell her literally everything - confessing fully to the ruse with Nik, and holding back absolutely nothing that they have learned about nanotechnology, the bluehands, Sekhmet's secret plan, their theories about what ATS-LIDD actually might be, and everything else that has happened to them over the past two years. Shole is particularly interested to learn about the bluehands. Though she tells the crew that she had already figured out some of what they told her (such as Sekhmet's secret project involving nanotechnology), but because she didn't know about that particular application of nanotech, she was missing a big piece of the puzzle. Then she tells the crew something that practically makes them collapse in relief: "If what you say is true, it's a good thing I brought you aboard Renown instead of letting Admiral Nolan take you. I don't know the man well, but I did shake his hand once. At the time I certainly thought it was strange that he was wearing blue gloves, but I didn't think anything of it..." The crew is pretty appalled by the close call they've just had, and thanks Shole profusely for trusting them enough to save them from that fate.
Shole then tells the crew everything that she knows. It's less than what they do, of course, but it still teaches them one important lesson. As an admiral, Shole has access to official Alliance records regarding exactly what Sekhmet is doing in R&D. That's how Shole knows that Sekhmet was originally charged with using Dr. Lincoln Jianyu's nanotechnology notes to create a universal tracking system. The idea was that these tracker nanos could be injected into all Alliance citizens at birth, thus making many forms of crime (such as identity theft) virtually impossible, and also providing the Alliance with a way to keep tabs on those who had proved themselves untrustworthy. But Shole thinks that Sekhmet used her R&D mission as a front to create the ATS-LIDD virus, with the intention that it could be used as a weapon. Why Sekhmet would do this, Shole doesn't know; she pretty much seems to have written Sekhmet off as criminally insane. The crew has a somewhat more charitable view of Sekhmet, however, and suggests that the tracker nanos might actually be something completely innocent (at least, as innocent as Orwellian invasions of privacy can get).
Of course, speculation is pointless when the woman herself is aboard Renown, so Shole asks for the crew's help in talking to Sekhmet in her holding cell and getting her to explain what she's been trying to do. While everybody is going through a lengthy decontamination process and getting into biosuits so they can enter Renown proper without spreading ATS-LIDD, Shole takes Birgitta aside. The two of them have a long-overdue conversation about Birgitta's past as the Cat and Shole's disapproval of such. Shole is wondering if she can trust Birgitta, but Birgitta insists that she has changed a lot since those days and has learned that what she did in the name of the Alliance was wrong - and Shole believes it. The two of them won't exactly be friends, but Shole doesn't want to see Birgitta dead any longer - provided that Birgitta never breathes a word about the truth of the Cat to anyone, which Birgitta says she won't have any trouble doing. She wants to put her past behind her now just as surely as Shole does.
The crew suits up and is escorted to Sekhmet's holding cell - but as soon as the guards open the door to the cellblock, it becomes clear that something is wrong. The motionless body of a guard is lying just inside the door, and the security gate to the cells is hanging open. Everybody rushes to Sekhmet's cell, but she's not inside. The only thing that remains are various signs of a struggle, and a message scrawled in blood across one wall: "ELISA DON'T FORGET ANGELO." Right away, Quinn tells one of Shole's technicians to check the security tapes to see whether Sekhmet escaped on her own or was abducted, but the technician reports that all of the recordings have been wiped. Osiris asks about shuttle departures within the last few hours, but Renown is so big that literally dozens of ships have come and gone since then - far too many to track.
All of this concerns Shole greatly, since doing it would require very high-level access to Renown's systems in order to perform those wipes - access that Sekhmet no longer has. That and the message Sekhmet left behind makes it clear that someone has broken in and taken her - which tells Shole that there is probably a bluehands traitor somewhere aboard her ship. For this reason, Shole tells the crew that it isn't safe for them to stay aboard Renown right now - keeping everyone who knows the truth about what's happening in the 'Verse in the same place just opens them up to an assassination. She suggests that the crew of Black Cat get far away for now - off the map if possible - and investigate things on their own. For her part, Shole will use her admiral-level access to dig deeper and try to figure out what the bluehands within the Alliance are planning. The crew says that won't be a problem. Osiris has the bright idea of asking Shole to send Sekhmet's shuttle with them so the crew can see if it contains anything useful in addition to Mary-Lou's cure, and Shole agrees - though she warns them that it looks like it's locked down pretty tightly.
The crew takes their leave of Shole, and makes plans to get back in contact whenever she or they learn something new. They realize that needing to lie low provides them with the perfect opportunity to go after Helen's Hope as they had originally planned. So Quinn lays in a course for Lilac, to pick up Nicolas and his gaggle of passengers before Black Cat heads to Qilin to try to retrieve Blue Nile's engine pod. While Quinn is doing this, Osiris finds Mary-Lou's cure in Sekhmet's shuttle and administers it to his daughter. Right away, her symptoms lessen, and a sample of her blood shows that the population of unfriendly nanotechnology is steadily decreasing. Against all odds, Sekhmet has come through with the cure that she promised - and even Osiris has to admit that he's grateful to her for it.
After ensuring that Mary-Lou is on the mend, Elisa, Osiris, and Siqin get together to try to puzzle out the meaning of Sekhmet's cryptic message: "ELISA DON'T FORGET ANGELO." Though none of them can figure out her ultimate goal, the surface meaning is clear enough: they should crack open the stasis cube containing Angelo and start running some tests on him. Osiris and Siqin take the lead on this matter. They decide to start small: just take a sample of Angelo's blood and see what unusual substances it might contain.
But when Osiris and Siqin open the stasis cube, they get more than they bargained for. Though Angelo is still safely frozen, something about him has changed - he holds a featureless metal disc in one hand, about six inches in diameter and one inch thick. He definitely didn't have this when he went in. Osiris and Siqin look it over, but they can't figure out what it's supposed to do. Siqin thinks it might be some sort of computer storage device, but it doesn't fit in any system on Black Cat or in Sekhmet's shuttle. That's when Siqin notices something else strange about the disc: The material it's made out of reminds her of the metal that is used to make fingerprint and DNA scanners in security systems.
Osiris, Siqin, and various other crew members have been handling the disc with no ill effects...but now Siqin is thinking about just who Sekhmet's message was addressed to. She finds Elisa, who is looking at the notebook pages that were left behind in Sekhmet's shuttle and trying to figure out what they mean without success, and offhandedly asks her to take a look at the disc. Elisa is very reluctant to handle the disc when she finds out where it came from, even more so when Siqin points out what it's made out of. But Siqin wheedles and cajoles, and finally Elisa handles the disc pretty much just to prove her wrong. The instant that Elisa touches the disc, she falls down onto the ground in the grip of a seizure. But while Osiris is tending to her and calling for help from the rest of the crew, Elisa is experiencing something very different...
Elisa finds herself standing in her familiar old office back on Persephone - but the face behind the desk was never there before. It's Sekhmet, looking and acting just as normal. Within Elisa's head, Sekhmet explains that by touching the disc that Sekhmet left behind, Elisa has just become the beneficiary of all of Sekhmet's knowledge relating to nanotechnology. "Head Sekhmet" is a copy of various relevant aspects of the real Sekhmet's personality, and can serve as a guide and a reference to help Elisa navigate through this information. The disc was keyed specifically to Elisa's DNA because Sekhmet believes that Elisa is the person who can most be trusted with the information - and with what Sekhmet is about to ask her to do.
Sekhmet explains that while she was retrieving the pages on Ariel, the bluehands pursued her all the way. She realized that she might be captured despite all of her precautions, so she created this disc as a backup of both her knowledge and her plan. Sekhmet explains that the tracker nanos she was tasked to create through Alliance R&D started out as just a requested project, but became something else when she learned about the threat that the bluehands posed. The tracker nanos are a Trojan horse, meant to deliver a means of wiping out every bluehands in the 'Verse. Sekhmet has learned that the bluehands are a networked intelligence, sharing knowledge and skills throughout their collective; by infecting one with the tracker nanos, all of them now share it. All that Sekhmet needs to do is activate a particular trigger, and the bluehands drop dead of massive aneurysms. (Needless to say, Sekhmet did not include this trigger with the knowledge she gave to Elisa, for reasons that will quickly become apparent.)
But the trouble with the trigger is that it doesn't just work in bluehands. Theoretically, an unscrupulous person could use it to wipe out any demographic in the 'Verse - including, for example, all non-bluehands. Sekhmet says that if she has been taken by the bluehands, she is certain that they will use their clout within the Alliance to get the Inquisitor to try to torture knowledge of the trigger out of her, so that they can use it to kill whoever they wish - the crew and anyone else ever exposed to the tracker nanos included. It would be genocide on a scale never seen before in the history of the 'Verse. Accordingly, Sekhmet gives Elisa two options. First, and most ideally, the crew of Black Cat would rescue Sekhmet, allowing her to implement the trigger and end the bluehands threat - all they need to do is get there before she breaks under the Inquisitor's ministrations.[1] But if that is impossible, then the crew will have to kill her - the knowledge of the trigger is too dangerous to be allowed into the wider 'Verse.
Sekhmet tells Elisa that they'd better end this conversation since her crew is probably getting worried about her, but that Elisa can contact her mentally any time she wishes to speak. Then she drops a final bomb. Sekhmet says that somewhere within the nanotech memories is an address on Bernadette - the address of Sekhmet's home. Sekhmet seems sad and almost wistful when she asks Elisa to contact her husband and daughters if she dies, and let them know that she won't be coming home.[2] Elisa promises that she will. Then she wakes up to a ring of concerned people looking down at her as she lies on the floor with a pounding headache.
The first thing Elisa says is, "I was right. I totally shouldn't have touched that disc. When I did, I got all of Sekhmet's nanotechnology knowledge."
Siqin's response? "Then you totally, totally should have touched that disc."
Elisa isn't in the mood for jokes right now. "We have a problem. Sekhmet's been captured, and I think Luke is torturing her right now. We have to rescue her. She has a family..." And she launches into an explanation of what is by far the strangest thing to happen to any member of Black Cat's crew yet, knowing that the fate of the 'Verse may rest upon what she does next.
1 - Uhhhhhhhhh yeah, still stealing from Farscape. I HAVE NO SHAME
2 - Sekhmet: If you have to kill me, could you make sure my husband and daughters know what happened to me?
dayzdark, OOC: Looks like Quinn's not the only one who married a Reaver.