So Noel and I were supposed to go to the State Fair and see Weird Al today, but then I was told that it was likely to storm horrendously during the time of the concert, so we elected to stay behind. Of course, this means that not a drop of rain has fallen all day. Figures. It better rain hard tonight, so as to make my evening of drinking beer, writing lesson plans, and watching X-Files worthwhile. It sucks that the weather is so unpredictable; I had a great time at the last Al show I went to, and was rather looking forward to this one. Oh well.
Anyway, I myself have some upcoming shows that you might like to know about, so here's my schedule:
Saturday, September 1
The Coffee Grounds, Falcon Heights MN
With John Skoy. I go on at 7:30 p.m. Free; tips welcome. For those of you who are geographically challenged when it comes to attending my shows, this show may be broadcast live by
emiofbrie on Dementia Radio; is that still gonna happen, Emi?
Tuesday, September 18
Loring Pasta Bar Red Room, Minneapolis MN
DEMO "Lo-Fi Tuesdays" showcase. With Davis Jones, Matthew Noyes, Jackson Street, and Quarterstance. Doors at 5:30; I go on at 9. $5 cover. Otherwise known as "the show that makes us not play Hunter, but at least you can come out and have some pasta instead, right?"
September 29-30
Twin Cities Pagan Pride, I think? Anybody out there who can confirm this for me?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tillie's Bean, Minneapolis MN
Free; tips welcome. I go on at 7:30.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Betsy's Back Porch, Minneapolis MN
Free; tips welcome. I go on at 8.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tillie's Bean, Minneapolis MN
Free; tips welcome. I go on at 7:30. And thanks to
ericcoleman for helping me get set up with these Tillie's gigs!
So, now that you know that I have a show this Saturday in lovely St. Paul (or a nearby suburb thereof), who wants to brave the fair traffic and come out to see me play at a brand new venue?