Break is good, but more busy than I would like it to be. Very productive though.
Thursday night TV: Survivor for the win. We are a bunch of Aitu fangirls and -boys up in here. CSI was pretty generic in spite of Greg getting all beat to hell. Supernatural was weird because it had Tara-from-Buffy as a vampire - Amber Benson has lost so much weight that I hardly recognized her until
peloria and Noel pointed her out. I loved the Avenger dude in the El Camino and also how Dean was like "ouch, my worldview" at the end. That show gets more Hunter-y by the day.
I'm almost to the end of Farscape season 1 and getting into episodes that I've actually seen before. Good goddamn but I forgot that the sequence of episodes around A Bug's Life/Nerve/The Hidden Memory is what got me into the show the first time around. It's like after sitting through 3 DVDs of weirdness it suddenly all pays off like crazy. I can't wait to watch more.
I also watched Art School Confidential because
peloria told me that I should. I guess it was pretty funny, but also kind of like getting stabbed in the face. The critique scenes with John Malkovich hit a little bit close to home. Jinkies!
On Thursday I went out and dropped $130 on an 80 GB external hard drive which can be filled up with Farscape and taken over to Noel's (since my DVD burner has been sending my computer into a death spiral whenever I try to use it lately). I've decided that I'm really bad at spending money; even though I have the kind of disposable income where I can drop that kind of cash on discretionary spending right now, I still spent an hour walking around Best Buy like "OMG what if I lose my job and I NEED that money?! What if I don't get hired for second semester?!" I'm not dirt poor anymore, but I still treat my finances as though I am dirt poor and could be living on the street at any minute. Maybe that's a good thing, but it also causes me to agonize a lot more over things that aren't really that big of a deal and not to treat myself when I should do so. I guess I just need a little more job security and a few more paychecks rolling in to convince myself that no, this is not going to go away anytime soon.
I will now finish this post with a question for all of you:
You can have the use of any one piece of science fiction technology from a book, movie, TV show, or whatever. You are the only one in the world who gets to have it, and you can only pick one thing. What do you pick, and why? Discuss.