The strange, contentious situation surrounding the legal defense of Louisiana's video game law has gotten even stranger and more contentious.
Yesterday, Miami attorney Jack Thompson (left) forwarded to GamePolitics a pair of e-mails. The first was from Deputy Louisiana Attorney General Burton Guidry to Thompson, sent late Wednesday afternoon:
"Ok Mr. Thompson, put up or shut up. I need affidavits and other documentation to defeat a motion for summary judgment. If you really want to help just get me the affidavits and some scientific data that can defeat this motion as soon as possible. Time is of the essence since [the game industry's motion] has been filed today. I need the information by Monday in my hands for filing. Can you and will you?"
Guidry is referring to the video game industry's
motion for summary judgment, filed with Federal Judge James Brady's court earlier that day.
Thompson's reply, which the controversial attorney also forwarded to GP, is addressed to Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco and cc'd to Guidry and other officials of the Attorney General's Office:
"I and my experts, all of whom have testified before Congress on the demonstrably harmful effects of video games on teens, are happy to help the State of Louisiana defeat the fraudulent attack upon the above by the video game industry in federal court."
"However, that help is dependent upon your office's and Attorney General Foti's commitment, as I have been saying for weeks now, to do everything that is necessary and proper to win."
"As it stands now, your office has ignored all of my warnings and requests in this regard... Your own office's Terry Ryder [Gov. Blanco's Executive Counsel] has been missing in action on all of this."
"Governor Blanco, get involved at least to the above extent, or kiss this law good-bye... Burton Guidry has childishly told me (his words) to 'put up or shut up.'"
"The taunt applies to Attorney General Foti, not me."
No word yet from Thompson on GP's request to clarify exactly what he wants the Guv or the Attorney General to do. If the anti-game activist is forthcoming with that info we'll update the story.