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"Modding", in truth, is really nothing new, even other media suffer nightwng2000 May 5 2006, 16:28:19 UTC
How so?

Ahem. Ok, first off, I'm not singling anyone out. You'll see this all over.

A generic religious text. Take ANY. Christian, Muslim, etc, etc, etc.
How many times have you seen someone of any particular religion take their generic religious text and interpret it their own way? One person will read the text and come out an honorable intelligent individual. Taking the text word for word. Yet another will make minor interpretations from the text. Still others will completely read into the text things that another reader would think was coming from some other text entirely. It happens often, and though we call it "interpretation", it still amounts, in some form, a type of "modding" the text. Those "modded" forms of the text do tend to reach out to others and influence them.

Nor is religion alone. So can education be as well. History's recordings can be documented one way, but someone will always come along and "interpret" a different set of events. Sometimes, this is called "revisionism". But it still amounts to a form of "modding".

While they be treated different by giving them different names, it's still a matter of changing the original information to suit a personal viewpoint and/or agenda with the possibility of spreading that altered information to others.

So, really, we've been experiencing "modding" in a variety of forms for far longer than video games have existed.



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