"This bill will protect children from the graphic violence and explicit sex that is common in many video games without infringing on the rights of adults. Currently, retailers have no legal obligation to curtail the selling of graphic, harmful and violent video games to minors, the parents in Oklahoma want that to change
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"Voluntary compliance by the video game industry has been a failure..."
Oh really? The ESRB has a higher success rate than its movie counterpart. Why is it so that the ESRB needs to have a 100 % success rate and the movie industry can do with far less?
"In addition, medical research offers overwhelming evidence that these ultra-violent games can cause damage to a child's brain."
Uhm there is no research that shows overwhelming evidence that games cause damage to a child's brain. So now you are just lying. But that is not very unusual in present times.
"intensified its efforts to increase public awareness to the impacts of violent video games and their affects on children... chapter directors have called on... lawmakers to make the sale restrictions of violent video games to children a high priority. Violent video game legislation has passed in Michigan, Illinois and California, and is being considered in many states including Missouri, Kansas, and Minnesota as well as at the federal level in Congress."Yet the legislation has also
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Further Proof The McCarthyist Prigs Of The PTC Are Retarded And Are LiarsbeardoggxApril 25 2006, 13:14:14 UTC
The voluntary compliance of the video game industry is working, as it's doing much better than the movie and music industries combined.
And the "medical research" is proven to be nothing more than fraudulence.
And they conveinently ignore the fact that the Michigan and Illinois laws were ruled as unconstitutional and as violating the First Amendment, just like all the rest before those(and this will be no different).
No surprise that the PTC lies in that "press release", as they are proven liars, as they had to pay Vince McMahon $3.5 million to settle WWE's $30 million defamation of character lawsuit against them over the Lionel Tate case.
Currently, retailers have no legal obligation to curtail the selling of graphic, harmful and violent video games to minors, the parents in Oklahoma want that to change," wrote PTC executive director Tim Winter.
Ok so the parents and I assume members of the PTC want this to change but yet can't act of their own accord and not buy little Jimmy the violent game in the first place. What has America gotten so stupid we need groups of people to tell us how to think and act?
Yuck. Any mention of the PTC makes me quiver. They are a fraud and a sham of an organization. Its a bunch of whackjobs (like JT) who purposefully seek out "offensive" media so that they can then complain later that their poor suburban sensibilities were shocked and offended by the very offensive media they sought out
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Comments 38
Oh really? The ESRB has a higher success rate than its movie counterpart. Why is it so that the ESRB needs to have a 100 % success rate and the movie industry can do with far less?
"In addition, medical research offers overwhelming evidence that these ultra-violent games can cause damage to a child's brain."
Uhm there is no research that shows overwhelming evidence that games cause damage to a child's brain. So now you are just lying. But that is not very unusual in present times.
"intensified its efforts to increase public awareness to the impacts of violent video games and their affects on children... chapter directors have called on... lawmakers to make the sale restrictions of violent video games to children a high priority. Violent video game legislation has passed in Michigan, Illinois and California, and is being considered in many states including Missouri, Kansas, and Minnesota as well as at the federal level in Congress."Yet the legislation has also ( ... )
And the "medical research" is proven to be nothing more than fraudulence.
And they conveinently ignore the fact that the Michigan and Illinois laws were ruled as unconstitutional and as violating the First Amendment, just like all the rest before those(and this will be no different).
No surprise that the PTC lies in that "press release", as they are proven liars, as they had to pay Vince McMahon $3.5 million to settle WWE's $30 million defamation of character lawsuit against them over the Lionel Tate case.
Currently, retailers have no legal obligation to curtail the selling of graphic, harmful and violent video games to minors, the parents in Oklahoma want that to change," wrote PTC executive director Tim Winter.
Ok so the parents and I assume members of the PTC want this to change but yet can't act of their own accord and not buy little Jimmy the violent game in the first place. What has America gotten so stupid we need groups of people to tell us how to think and act?
Makes me want to move.
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