At this point I can only paraphrase Treize Kushrenada: When war becomes a battle between machines, humanity cannot realize what the fighting means.
War is not a game and should not be seen as one. Automated weapons and remote controlled war toys should not exist because they deprive the fight of its meaning.
You can replace a live soldier with a robotic toy that does the exact same thing. The thing is, if the said live soldier died, you'll get people questioning the war and its implications.
It's sad that people blast Gundam Wing because they're elitist Gundam bastards. Some of the topics dealt with in the serie is awesome.
If no people die though, and it's just robots killing robots, then there's nothing being accomplished (aside from wasting money). Even using robotics to keep soldiers safer when fighting offensively, the ultimate goal will have to at least be able to threaten some human life to cause them to surrender.
The threat to human life doesn't just go away, because that's what war is about, threatening them with death. You could even go so far as to say that because there are less meaningless deaths that every death that does occur will just be seen as more important.
Except even the gundam pilots originally got beaten by them before getting their combat upgrades for space combat. They weren't without skill. But then there was the insane guy who dreamed of an army of them all for himself...
Thing is, the robots will use the same patterns and formatiosn every time, a human can change combat strategiesi n an instant, a robot needs ot have that data transmitted.
You're also underestimating the potential of an advanced AI at this point. Program enough stuff in a machine, and it will be able to react almost like a human would react, but with better reaction time and higher coordination.
What got the Gundam pilots early on was not only how effective the Taurus Dolls were but also how good they were at working together.
Especially if you factor in the sheer numbers. Take the Protoss Carrier from Starcraft. It sent out 8 dropships with a single payload, but in aggregate, a single human intelliegence can't focus on that many targets. Now, out a smart AI in those dropships, and increase their number, and our vaunted reasoning gets us nowhere.
Nasty little bastards, the regular gun drones already messed the games enough now they added those nice little drones with a 36 inch shooting railgun that pins down...
Why is that? Politicians start giving a damn about our soldiers dying when the numbers reach 3,000 dead, or will it take 50,000? What's it all for again, non-existant wmds and non-existant ties to al-queda while UAE has very real ties to Taliban for certain?
The meaning of war is that politicians want to help Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, Exxon, McDonnalds, etc. and they couldn't possibly care less if 2,000 or 10,000 kids die for that cause as long as the blood doesn't get on their hands and the poll numbers stay high.
War is not a game and should not be seen as one. Automated weapons and remote controlled war toys should not exist because they deprive the fight of its meaning.
It's sad that people blast Gundam Wing because they're elitist Gundam bastards. Some of the topics dealt with in the serie is awesome.
The threat to human life doesn't just go away, because that's what war is about, threatening them with death. You could even go so far as to say that because there are less meaningless deaths that every death that does occur will just be seen as more important.
What got the Gundam pilots early on was not only how effective the Taurus Dolls were but also how good they were at working together.
Nasty little bastards, the regular gun drones already messed the games enough now they added those nice little drones with a 36 inch shooting railgun that pins down...
The meaning of war is that politicians want to help Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, Exxon, McDonnalds, etc. and they couldn't possibly care less if 2,000 or 10,000 kids die for that cause as long as the blood doesn't get on their hands and the poll numbers stay high.
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