"Pixelante" - A Name For the Ages is Born

Apr 15, 2006 07:33

Did you get your Pixelante shirt yet? What are you waiting for? The shirts are fab and all proceeds support a truly worthy cause, the Get-Well Gamers Foundation.

In case you're wondering about the origin of the term "pixelante," the word was actually introduced right here on GamePolitics by Jack Thompson. The date was September 10th, 2005. Our pal from Miami, annoyed by something that GP wrote or said or did or thought, vowed that he would no longer be visiting GamePolitics (if only that were true). You can view his entire post here. It's classic Thompson:

"I should hereby like to say hasta luego to all my close, personal friends here at GamePolitics... I shall return to be your personal pinata sometime in the medium future, most likely to gloat about yet another triumph in the ongoing culture war.."

"In the meantime, I should like to leave all of you dear, cordial folks with a word I coined today, which describes most of the little hellions who people gaming sites, play games, and who engage in anonymous, cowardly attacks upon anyone with sense..."

"So, here's the word that describes all of those who have decided to allow the massive corporations that make 'games' to steal your time and your virtue. You are the horde who have chosen to let the Paul Eibelers and the Bill Gateses and the post-Hiroshima crowd in Japan mentally molest you minors for money, stealing your souls and robbing your futures."

"You are PIXELANTES. The term fits. You are vigilantes without a cause. A lawless group of misfits whose only reality is false, composed of electron-created images that construct a world that feels like hyper-reality, yet has no substance and no meaning..."

"I pity you, but I oppose you. You pixelantes adhere to your fake world with religious fervor, yet there is no god in this religion. Just an altar on which sits your autostimulated egos. Masturbatory manna..."

Masturbatory manna... vigilantes without a cause... personal pinata... little hellions... Ah, the man was in rare form that night. And hey - if this made you chuckle, buy a Pixelante shirt - it's for charity!!!

jack thompson, charity, get-well gamers, gamers, pixelante

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