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Vendetta: Could this happen to us? grimm24 March 18 2006, 15:51:13 UTC
Look at our society, we let those with power take away our freedom more and more everyday. Sure it may start off with spying on terrorists, then it leads to spying on private citizens, then to punishing those who speak their mind.

And this, it starts off with allowing the government, to stop kids from buying violent games, then they ban games from kids all toghtether, then they put restrictions on games for adults, then they ban games all together!

Our fore fathers created this country to allow people to choose what they do, how they act. Like a game with invisible walls leading you directly to the destination the game wants you to go, this is how extremists on both sides would like to see it, rather than an open ended world where someone chooses their own path.

I think if the rise and fall of communism taught us anything its that freedom cannot be contained, it cannot be detained in a cell, it cannot be killed, no matter how a government or an orginzation trys to go beyond their stay of power in the end freedom shall always


Re: Vendetta: Could this happen to us? silver_derstin March 18 2006, 16:16:22 UTC
I could point out all the errors in logic and argumentation in that post, but I'll be nice and say stay away from the slippery slopes and don't do rapid judgement on a question that you appear to have little knowledge on.


Re: Vendetta: Could this happen to us? diceman82 March 18 2006, 16:42:09 UTC
To the last poster:obviously you didnt get the main idea of that post yes the post was a bit"uber pro freedom"but he makes a valid point everyday someone somewhere finds a way to chip away at X constitutional right they already did it with the "right to bear arms" and are finding new ways to point at you and say "terrorist" whenever
someone doesnt agree with the current leadership.

its a growing problem but most of america is too lazy or they think they are to weak to do anything. im just happy democrats have just over enough holdign spots in to avoid many 2/3 killer bills.cuase we all know if the republicians or democrats has more then 2/3 in spots thier would be a whole lot of unconstitutional bills flying about.

ps-also see the Patriot Act for more info on this


Re: Vendetta: Could this happen to us? marbledog March 18 2006, 17:00:43 UTC
"Slippery slope" argument is not always fallacious. If a causal relationship between each step on the slope can be proven to exist, the argument is valid.

Obviously, the above argument is invalid, and I appreciate you pointing it out. Governmental interference into the lives of private citizens is wrong in principle. We don't need portentous prophecy to prove or argue that.


Re: Vendetta: Could this happen to us? kail_murushi March 20 2006, 19:32:21 UTC
you can't say that it hasn't happened before. maybe not in the states to this extreme, but one only has to remember post ww1 germany. hitler's regiem slowly chipped away at the freedoms and liberties of the german people (jews and rom particularly) until they had none left. it started slowly, a little bit here, a little bit there. by the time the really big things started to happen (the concentration camps), most common folk stood back, lest they be taken too.

also during the red scare of the 50's, if you spoke out against the us government, you were branded a commie/commie supporter. this would give a bad social stigma. that stigma would effect your job (you could get fired because of it), friends would distance themselves from you lest they be labled as well. lives and careers were ruined because of it. the 'red scare' of the 2000's replaces commiunist with terrorist.


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