Can a young person commit a violent act these days without being under the hypnotic spell of video games?
Last week GamePolitics
reported on a slashing rampage committed by a Moscow man at a local synagogue. The suspect, 20-year-old Alexander Koptsev, was said to be a fan of Running With Scissors' ultra-violent Postal series.
While some Jewish leaders blamed Koptsev's attack on growing anti-Semitism in the former Soviet Union, a report in
Pravda was quick to blame video games.
Now comes word of a second synagogue incident, with nary a mention of video game involvement. The
Jerusalem Post reports that an 18-year-old man, Vadim Domnitsky, made death threats at a synagogue in Rostov-on-Don. According to police, Domnitsky tried to enter the synagogue last Friday while brandishing a broken bottle and shouting anti-Semitic epithets.
The suspect, who faces up to two years in jail, told police he was inspired by television news reports of the Moscow rampage, which occurred just two days before.
GP: So... it's the T.V. news which is inspiring violence? Will anyone be legislating?