Nuclear War Game Next Up From Introversion

Dec 23, 2005 10:52

Talk about your murder simulators...

Introversion, the clever indie design studio behind Darwinia and Uplink, announced yesterday their next title will be based on that horror of horrors, global nuclear war.

So far, little is known about Defcon, officially announced in yesterday's issue of PC Gamer UK. A post on Evil Avatar says Defcon will be "...a multiplayer strategy (game) which pitches two players against one another in a game of Global Thermonuclear War. In DEFCON a player must manage their launch silos in an attempt to defend their major cities against nuclear attack while simultaneously launching their own attacks against the other player. Nuclear subs, bombers, radar sites, the possibility of 8 hour marathon games played in real time in the background while at work and the typical Introversion style mean that DEFCON is shaping up to be another classic..."

Although nukes show up as weapons in some popular titles - the Command & Conquer series comes to mind - simulating nuclear war in any realistic fashion has been somewhat of a taboo. The only serious simulation of the topic GP can recall was a text-based little number from 1995 called Bravo Romeo Delta.

We're not sure what Defcon will look like, but coming from Introversion, it's sure to be innovative.

defcon, uplink, nukes, darwinia, nuclear war

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