GamePolitics Site Modifications

Dec 21, 2005 06:14

We are hard at work on a total redesign which we hope to unveil during the first quarter of 2006. This will almost certainly include a move to another blog-ware as there are certain aspects of LiveJournal that don't work well with the kind of service GP offers.

In the meantime, we're experimenting with some eye candy. Last month we added a Frappr! map which has been a huge success, with 427 members adding their locations so far. Yesterday we added what Frappr! calls a "sticker." In this case it is a slide show of icons which GamePolitics readers added to their Frappr! profiles.

You'll find the slide show on the lower right margin of GamePolitics. Check it out!

Frappr! also allows groups like our to have a forum. Since our old forum was trashed in the disastrous October crash, I'm weighing options in regard to re-establishing a message board. A Frappr! forum is one option, but I think I'd rather have a dedicated board more closely linked with GamePolitics.

Anyway, GP would like to know your thoughts and feedback on any of these issues, so don't hold back....

site design, frappr, gamepolitics, forum, gp

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