Ships in a (Fort)Night: Day 12

Jul 06, 2012 06:45

Only two days of prompts left! Be sure to check out the past threads for new updates and show our good shippers love, and to post more shippy fic and art as you're so inspired.

Prompt 12
Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love,
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone that soar above
Enjoy such liberty.
(Richard Lovelace, To Althea from Prison, iv)

Posting guide:

Important! Post your fanworks inspired by this prompt by commenting below. Please use the subject line of your comment to identify your work, like so:

TITLE: PAIRING (alphabetically listed)

As Cold as Ice: Jon/Melisandre


1. Post your work as a new comment, not as a reply to another comment.

2. No flames or trolls. Don’t like a pairing/grouping? Don’t read it. Don’t like a particular author/creator? Don’t read/view their work. Don’t like a story? Keep your snark to yourself. Mods will delete any such posts, ban users who act like drunken sellswords, and may disable anonymous commenting. Be supportive or you won’t be welcome.

3. Do not include any headers or author’s notes in your work. Warnings and links to a longer work are permissible.

4. Stories: must fit in one comment, so the limit is 4,300 characters, which is very roughly 850 to 900 words. If your story is longer than the maximum word count, post a section in the comment and link to the rest of the fic.

5. Art: if it's larger than 800 pixels wide or 500 KB, please use a thumbnail linking to the art, or to a post containing the art.

6. Vids and songs: please provide a link or embed your video from YouTube or another video service.

7. If your work contains common triggers (see comm rules for which triggers apply), post a warning.

ships in a fortnight, daily prompts

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