Mod Note: Phase 12!

Feb 07, 2019 03:00

• Thank you everyone for your excitement about another phase of gameofcards!

• Thank you to everythingshiny (wherever she may be) for starting this community and all she did to keep it running for so many rounds!

• Thank you to these lovely people who have offered to lead your teams for phase 12:
team_clubs: erinm_4600 and blue-sunflowers
team_diamonds: ama_ranth_827 and candream
team_hearts: chamilet and sandy79
team_spades: mark-pierre and luminousdaze

theladymorgan and I will be team joker again this phase.

• Here's a quick look at our challenges so far! Stay tuned as more are coming your way soon!
01: Character Suggest Due 2/10
02: Promotion! - Due 4/1
04: Book Club - The Last Book You Read - Due 2/18

• To stay up to date on the current challenges, you can always check the Open Challenges List. Or you can track the NEW Open Challenges LJ Post as well!

buy_cards and cardwars are temporarily closed, but we hope to open them again soon!

• We are working on getting everyone sorted into teams and deciding if we will do team vs team or red vs black for this phase. We beg your patience as we get everything set up! Please continue to do the challenges as they are announced and we'll make sure your points are awarded properly once the spreadsheet goes live. (You may use any sigtag until you've been officially sorted.)

• The phase will run for approximately 3 months with the end date set for roughly May 1.

• I'm considering a gameofcards discord group - so here's a poll to see if there's any interest in us having a server:
Poll gocdiscord

Thank you!

poll, !teams, ~phase 12, -mod update, !mods

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