Phase 9 - Coming Soon!

Sep 09, 2016 01:25

Hello All!

In case you haven't seen, SIGN UPS ARE OPEN HERE for the next phase of gameofcards!

I'm very excited to be the mod for phase 9!

I'm still working on sorting out the teams, but I hope to have those announced and the first challenge posted on Saturday, September 10!

I also wanted to say that I'm trying very hard to take everyone's preferences into account as I arrange the teams, but so far we've had twice as many of our previous diamonds sign up compared to the other teams. So I hope you can please forgive me if you don't get your first choice or if you are moved from your previous team. Unless you've specifically said not to move you, you're fair game ;) There's just no way around it that some people will have to be shifted- or else we'll have 18 members on team diamonds and about 8 on the other teams!

Also, If you have a great idea for a challenge or think you might like to be a challenge mod, please let me know! You can comment below or send me a message.

~phase 9

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