The babies and the whiners behind them stop here!

Aug 01, 2004 16:32

Now i don;t know if any of you caught any of that jibber jabber gynji put on her journal but in case your needing a translation or if you simply wanted the highlights of it come join me on a magic journey down the road of obviousness.


THE FIRST QUESTION: When does human life begin?

The controversy swirling about the first question can be explained by the fact that different people use different standards of measurement by which to define "human life." The three standards used is -

a) Theologic or religious faith belief
b) Philisophic theories
and c) Science and biologic facts


This is best explained by considering three people who might state their respective beliefs as follows:

a) I believe in God. I believe He creates a soul. I believe the soul is created at conception. Therefore, I believe that human Life begins at conception.

b) I also believe in God and a soul but I don't believe the soul is created until birth (or some other time). Therefore, I believe that human life begins at birth (or some other time).

c) I don't believe in God or a soul.


- The above are statements of religious faith or its absence.

- None of the above religious faith beliefs can be factually proven.

- Each individual has a right to his or her own religious beliefs.

Treanslation: blah blah blah yak yak yak don;t pay attention cause this ain't important. She breaking down the three prominant beliefs on when human life begins and refuting them all because they aren;t based in science. science phish what you do fo me i say? However she forgot the most popular of all religous beliefs. the belief that there is one supa baby. Queen to all baby souls who on occasion devours the souls of her loyal babyite followers in order to maintain her immortality.

......see above translation


Biologic human life is defined by examining the scientific facts of human development. This is a field where there is no controversy, no disagreement. There is only one set of facts, only one embryology book is studied in medical school. The more scientific knowledge of fetal development that has been learned, the more science has confirmed that the beginning of any one human individual's life, biologically speaking, begins at the completion of the union of his father's sperm and his mother's ovum, a process called "conception," "fertilization" or "fecundation." This is so be-cause this being, from fertilization, is alive, human, sexed, complete and growing.


- The above is not a religious faith belief.

- The above is not a philosophic theory.

- The above is not debatable, not questioned. It is a universally accepted scientific fact.

Must the question "when does human life begin" be answered?

Translation: So baby souls are inserted at conception excellent says the baby queen now she may harvest baby souls by the boatload instead of the scoop full.

Should all human life be given equal protection under the law, or can certain human lives be discriminated against, and, if so, on what basis?

Translation: too too much reading.

Final analysis: there is this thing we have in nature called natural selection. it roots out the weak genes in a species gene pool. In human beigns it is no different except that genetics is no longer the dominant factor. it is social behavior that roots out the weak and fraile. health deficienies are a minimal factor in the survival of todays modern human being. now the system that judges which indivduals survive to mature and hopefully flourish and thrive in has evolved to the philospohical and religious characteristics of your parents. if your parents were beings whos philosophical and or religious beliefs didn't condone abortion then you lived to mature and thrive in whatever enviroment you grew up in. if however belong to the otherside where abortion is condoned and more importantly acted upon well then TOUGH. thanks for playing the game of life but you lost. GAME OVER MAN GAME OVER!! its not your fault but hey thems the breaks.
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