Jul 21, 2004 22:15
this is psi o nara for atleast a good while because i don't feel that lj has been a place for me to positivly contribute. i don't feel that my opinion is valued at all because or preconcieved notions and past experiences that people refuse to let go of. i think that what i say is grossly misunderstood and for that fact i cause nothing but negetive emotions which is not my intent at all. So opting to go out now seems like a good choice for now. i hope i haven;t left to lingering of damage to anyone trust me i love every single one my lj friends and if what i have to do is quit lj in order for them to be happier people here then thats what i'll do. jim Gynji L-sai myao steven k-wanish striogi and starskylady i love you all and i will see you all later.
p.s. how was the ice cream myao?