Log log loggity log. [OOC]

Oct 14, 2008 07:50

Who: Atem and Yugi, being NPC'd by Aru o/
Why: Because we could ):
When: Err, early Sunday afternoon.
What: Watch as Yami emoes over having sex with Jou awkwardly and I fail at NOT wanting to write a fanfic every time I tag Aru! ... Also, Yami and Yugi on a swingset. (did I mention I fail at logging? My god, I do.)

I also love this icon.

Atem could almost feel the stares on his back as he approached the door to the Kame game shop. Which wasn't anything surprising, considering he looked like his aibou a lot, only tanned. Also the fact that he looked and felt every part as if he had sex with Jounouchi-kun. Isis sweet mother of Horus, he needed to stop thinking about that. Right now. Atem stared at the door of the shop and tried to decide whether he should knock or simply enter. ... After deliberating for a little while, he opened the door slightly, wincing at the bells ringing as he did. How was he going to explain this to his aibou?

Yuugi had finished putting the last box on the shelf in the storage room when he heard the door chime and smiled to himself. He did a few breathing exercises as to not seem to excited. His grandpa had thrown out his back earlier so Yuugi agreed to finish putting away the shipment before Atem arrived. He closed the door and went to grab his wallet before meeting his other self.

Atem stood awkwardly in the entrance, waiting for Yuugi to come meet him. It was ... different, to see the shop from his own point of view, instead of Yuugi's. A good kind of different, but different nonetheless. He moved a little, touching the display of figurines lightly before stopping. He'd be able to actually touch his aibou, too. He hadn't realized it until now. Atem shook himself out of his thoughts as he heard footsteps near him and turned to look at who was coming.

Yuugi peeked around the corner and watched as Atem glanced around the place. He really was different. Taller and more broad-shouldered and a tan to boot. A lot of things he himself wasn't. He began to moved his feet to meet with the other. "Other me? Or, would you prefer Atem now?"

Atem stared at Yuugi. It wasn't the first time he'd seen him, but right now, it felt like it. He smiled a little and let Yuugi approach, his heart hammering in his chest. This was real. It was really happening. "Aibou," he greeted, and then paused a bit to think about the question before answering: "There's only one Yuugi Mutou in this world. I meant that. But ... the choice is up to you."

"I'll get used to Atem, then," he said with a grin and continued to stand there. There normally wasn't any awkwardness between them before, but now. It was just so new and exciting and he didn't know how to react. But right now, he was being a bad host. "Would you like something to drink? Or, are we leaving now?" Gosh, he was asking to many questions.

Atem blinked, startled and shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Did you want to go somewhere in particular?" He wanted to tell Yuugi so much, but how was he supposed to start? It had been easier when they'd shared a mind and could read each other's thoughts. But still, he didn't regret it. This was ... this was better. Much better.

Yuugi bit the tip of his thumb. "Um, wherever you want to go? I'm not picky." He could sense Atem's nervousness and wondered if it had anything to do with the previous day. Most likely.

Atem smiled crookedly at Yuugi's nervous display. Well, at least that made two of them. "I don't know, I never truly visited Domino before." He shrugged slightly and wondered if Yuugi could tell he and Jounouchi had ... Better not to think about it.

Yuugi rubbed the back of his head. "Then I suppose I can show you around?" he asked. He had also noticed the other wasn't as confident as normal. Something really must've happened.

Atem's smile softened a bit and he nodded. "Yes. I'd like that." He needed to pull himself together. If not for himself, then for Yuugi. It probably wasn't helping his nervousness. "Should we go right now...?"

"If you'd like to. Jiichan is taking a nap, so there really isn't much to do around here." Yuugi motioned for Atem to follow as he pulled a key out of his pocket to lock the shop up. "Good thing we're closed today."

Atem followed Yuugi out of the shop and into the city. He put his hands in his pockets casually, a habit he'd gotten sometime during his 'date' with Anzu. "Yes, it is. Is that why you wanted me to visit today?" The real question was -- were they going to have awkward small talk all day?

"Well, that. And I don't have school. Plus, they said the weather'd be nice." He smiled. "Anything in particular you'd like to do? There's the arcade and shopping centers..."

No matter how much he wanted to, he shouldn't answer the arcade. If they went there, they wouldn't talk to each other at all. And he really wanted -- needed -- to talk with him. "How about the park?" Atem suggested with a light shrug. "Like you said, it's a nice day. It would be nice not to spend it cooped up somewhere."

Yuugi nodded. "That sounds fun," he said in a happy tone and began walking in the general direction to the nearest park. "So," he began quietly, really not wanting to being his best friend up, "how is Jounouchi-kun?"

Atem tensed at the mention of Jounouchi. "Aibou... about Jounouchi-kun..." Atem looked away. This was far more difficult than he'd expected it to be. "We're not together."

Yuugi felt his heart jump for a second. "R-really? But last night, it seemed really clear and obvious..."

Atem frowned. Last night ... "You might find this difficult to believe," Atem started, then paused. "Actually, you probably won't. Regardless -- yesterday, something... overtook Jounouchi-kun and I. I believe it was a form of mind control created by a Goddess --" he shook his head and continued, "-- Whatever was the cause, we weren't in our right mind. I'm sorry. I should have been able to overcome something like that, and yet..." Atem clenched his fists in his pockets. Because he hadn't been able to, Jounouchi-kun and him had...

Yuugi tilted his head. Well, he's seen strange things, so it shouldn't be too unbelievable, right? "Well, if it's something you couldn't control, then it's not really your fault. There were a lot of people acting strangely."

Atem kept his gaze to the pavement and grunted non-committally. "Aibou ... Yesterday night, Jounouchi-kun and I..." He looked back at Yuugi, a pained look on his face. "I should have been able to snap out of it before it got that far, but I couldn't."

"... You... what?" With Atem jumping around with phrases, he couldn't understand.

"We..." Atem's lips pursued in a tin line. "We had sex."

"..." Yuugi remained silent. That was unexpected. "I-I see..." He felt a blush creep up his face and coughed awkwardly. The news stung a little.

After seeing Yuugi blush, Atem could feel a blush form on his own face and he turned away quickly. "... That's why -- I'm to blame," he muttered, quietly. This wasn't exactly how he'd planned to explain things, but how else could he have explained it?

They finally reached the entrance to the park and Yuugi could've used it as a distraction, but thought better of it. "I don't blame you. Or Jounouchi-kun," he mumbled. "Like you said, you were being controlled..."

Atem sighed. "I know. And even though I've managed to forgive many people who had been controlled themselves for their crimes, I... I keep thinking that I should have been able to break free of it. I know I should have been able to break free of it."

Yuugi stopped and grabbed Atem's arm. "Stop beating yourself up over it. It's fine to forget, to move on." He smiled. "If you're worried about me, I'm fine." Yuugi knew he was lying through his teeth, but other people's feelings were more important than his own.

Atem stopped, staring straight into Yuugi's eyes as he spoke. Did he honestly think he could fool him? Atem knew Yuugi, knew him better than he knew himself, even. "Aibou, don't lie," he admonished, "You felt betrayed, and you had a right to feel so. I don't want you to repress these feelings simply because you think it's causing me guilt. I feel guilty because I am." It was always -- easier, with Yuugi. Speaking of his feelings, of Yuugi's, of -- anything. But he still considered himself Yuugi's protector, even though he no longer needed one, and he'd managed to hurt Yuugi yesterday. He knew that. He wanted to make amends for it.

Yuugi nibbled on his lower lip and averted his gaze. "I don't want you to feel guilty. I really...have no need to feel betrayed, but you're right. I... I'm not happy about it."

Atem nodded solemnly. "I understand. I ... there's nothing I can do to help your feelings, but I truly am sorry." He put his hand on Yuugi's shoulder, and something in him relished at the fact that he could actually do it. "I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, aibou. Please believe that."

"I know. I trust you." He smiled and laughed a little. "Are you glad you go that off your chest?"

Atem smiled wryly and took his hand off Yuugi's shoulder. "Yes, I am. Though I doubt Jounouchi-kun and I will be able to look each other in the face for a while." He shook his head and sighed. "We should probably go in, now, before people start to get bad ideas." He winked after that comment, a small note to the fact that people passing by had been looking at them oddly for almost the entire duration of their conversation.

Yuugi's cheeks tinted pick and he nodded and moved his feet again, almost afraid he'd forgotten to walk. "I'm sure it'll be fine soon enough."

Atem followed after Yuugi, chuckling lightly. "You're probably right. But enough about that. How have things been for you?" His smile grew more teasing as he looked at Yuugi with half-lidded eyes. "Did you finally ask Anzu out?"

Yuugi froze, making a small noise in the back of his throat. "N-no! I mean...we, we tried it, but I don't think she liked it," he admitted. 'Besides, she always liked you more,' he gave as an afterthought to himself.

Atem frowned slightly at that. "What do you mean, you don't think she liked it? I always thought she liked you..."

Yuugi laughed nervously. "Eh, no..."

"No?" Atem's nose wrinkled a little in confusion. "What do you mean, no?"

"She doesn't like me in that way." Yuugi stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets.

"How can you be so sure?" Atem retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Did she say so? She always acted like she did..."

"Not exactly, but... She--she likes you. Well, liked. I don't really know," Yuugi fidgeted nervously.

Atem paused and blinked, surprised. "... Me? You can't be serious. She liked you." He frowned in confusion. Sure, Anzu had always acted a little weird with him, but he always thought it was because of who and what he was, rather than anything else.

Yuugi sighed. "She's just really nice when it comes to stuff like this, but if you were to ask her, or anyone. Maybe even Kaiba-kun... They'd tell you she had a thing for you back then."

"Aibou..." So, even though Yuugi had liked her for so long, she'd liked him, instead? That wasn't ... that wasn't fair. Wasn't it obvious that Yuugi was the better of the two of them? "I'm sorry. If I'd have known, I'd have discouraged it."

Yuugi smiled slightly. "Really, really it's fine." They approached an area with swings. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't invaded by kids. "Want to?"

Atem stopped in front of the swings, blinking. Though he knew how they were and how they worked, he'd never actually tried them. The small plastic seat and old chains didn't exactly look safe to him. "Ah... I don't know. I've never..." And just admitting this was practically begging for Yuugi to force him to take a ride, wasn't it? Well, at least it wasn't Kaiba's virtual consoles again.

"It's easy!" Yuugi coaxed. "Watch." He sat in one of the blue-colored seats and began moving his legs to pick up speed, using them to propel himself to get to a bigger height level. "It's easy once you start."

Atem raised an eyebrow doubtfully. It didn't really look all that fun to him, but if Yuugi wanted him to... He crossed over to the swing next to Yuugi and, with a look of great concentration, kicked himself off. This ... this wasn't so bad. He began to lean forwards and backwards, using his weight as a kind of balance. It was kind of ... fun. Like miniature flying.

Yuugi chuckled. "I've always wanted to show you the simple things, like this. It's nothing extravagant, but it gets your mind of stuff you want to forget for awhile." He slowed down slightly as not to get too high.

Atem slowed down, too, trying to keep up with Yuugi's rhythm. "You wanted to? Why?" Though it was true that it made it easier to forget his worries, Atem wasn't sure if it was the swinging or Yuugi's presence that was truly doing it.

Yuugi looked thoughtful. "Well, think about it. The whole time when you were with me, in the puzzle and my mind, we were always stressed out. Dealing with...near-death and the like. That one time with Anzu was probably the only time you really didn't have to worry about things like that, right?"

"Hmm, that's true," Atem agreed, lightly, "But I didn't mind. It's not like I'd ever known otherwise, back then. I felt ... out of place, that day with Anzu."

Yuugi slowed to a stop and shuffled his feet through the sand, drawing imaginary pictures. "I'm sorry if it seemed like I forced you that day."

Atem, who'd missed how Yuugi had stopped, simply brought his feet down and tried to reach the sand, forcibly coming to a stop. He'd had to tighten his hold on the swing as to not fall down. Hopefully Yuugi thought he'd done it on purpose. "Ah. No, it's fine. Anzu thought you were ... worried about me. And it did help." Atem kicked his foot on the ground, trying to rid his shoes of the dirt stuck to them. Stupid clingy dirt.

"Haha, I was actually. So much stuff was going on then." He then stood up and stretched. "I haven't eaten since this morning."

Atem stood up after Yuugi. "You should probably eat, then, aibou. Where do you want to go?"

Yuugi shrugged. "I dunno. I was thinking burgers, but that's too obvious."

Atem tried to hide his relief at that. What did Yuugi see in burgers, anyway? "What else is there, then?" Atem ran a hand through his own hair, ruffling it, simply because he could. "There was ... pizza, right? Or ... what was the name again? The raw fish."

"You mean sushi? Yeah, I've been craving that too, but it's so expensive," Yuugi pouted. "But I did get extra allowance the past week."

"If you can afford it and you've been craving it, you should get it," Atem responds, matter-of-factly. Then paused. "... Unless there's a new game you want coming out soon. There isn't, is there?"

Yuugi rubbed the back of his head. "Actually, there is one involving court and prosecutors, but that's not until next year."

Atem stared blankly at Yuugi. "... Pardon?"

He coughed. "Nevermind. It doesn't seem like your type of game anyway. But since I have plenty of time to save up, I wouldn't mind sushi."

Atem raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Well... Alright. Lead the way, aibou." Then, with a small smirk, he moved to the side and gestured for Yuugi to go ahead, like people had down to him back when he was royalty.

Yuugi flushed slightly but laughed and mock bowed before walked ahead.

Okay you can move along now guys. 8)

aibouuuuuuuuu, ooc, tag abuse, it's aru's fault, ...swingsets and sushi omy, log, i swear i'm not a puzzleshipper, jou and yami had sex

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