Game: Changeling: the Dreaming (Palo Alto)
GM: Matt (
Setting: Post-apocalyptic New York
- Abby (ladypimpernel)/Amaryllis: Pooka spymistress and assassin, who is far more complicated than she seems at first.
- Sarah (kalliplokime)/Lady Natella ni Eiluned: Maverick sidhe sorceress, who is devoted to restoring the honor of her House.
- Mark (electricpaladin)/Baron Riordan ap Gwydion: Unseelie sidhe Baron, who seeks to repair the legendary artifact he bears.
- Brendan (kuruniru)/Sivan: Eshu fixer and ex-Shadow-Courtier, who hides his dark past beneath a happy-go-lucky exterior.
- Aaron (2_ragged_claws)/Ursula: Sluagh childling and anarchist, who inexplicably is a demolitions and firearms expert.
Meeting our army:
We travelled forth from the canyon, and soon came upon a broad grassy plain. We stood on a hill, and beheld, below us, the encampment of the sidhe army, with gay banners for all the Seelie houses (and House Ailil) streaming in the gentle breeze. Riders approached from below and approached us; we hailed them and they drew around us, a little suspicious of who these strangers were who approached. We told them that we had met Lady Triel and that she was expecting us, and the leader of the knights sent one of his company down to confirm this. Meanwhile we peppered the knight with questions about the army, and learned that it was an army of True Fae sidhe who had left Arcadia, since they were Seelie and Arcadia had recently undergone 600 years of Unseelie rule. Although the golden realm was now under the control of the Seelie again, the sidhe of the encampment still strongly believed that the world had to be returned to the balanced ways of the pre-Shattering, with each Court ruling for half the year. Throughout all of this, Ursula was characteristicaly snarky and anti-authoritarian, until it was revealed that our interlocuter was in fact an Arcadian troll, which she was rather surprised by.
The rider returned and told us that Triel wished to speak with us, and so with the Riders escorting us we proceeded down into the camp, to a large command tent. There we found Triel and another man, who was introduced to as a Duke Phaerun up Beaumayn, a name we knew from Ursula's dream. They explained to us the purpose of the army, confirming much of what the knight had said earlier, and told us that we were to open the way for them and lead them out into the Autumn World. We also learned that a large portion of the army was made up of reincarnated sidhe who, having died in the Autumn World, were reborn in Arcadia. We realized that this meant that all of the dead sidhe we had known would be here, and Riordan asked about High King David. Triel and Phaerun looked confused for a moment, and then said that Count David was, of course, with the other Gwydion.
Somewhat startled by the idea that our High King was really only a Count, we filed out, and Natella, Riordan, and Sivan went to pay their respects to the (former) royal couple. They found them in a tent bridging the Gwydion camp and the Eiluned camp - evidently they had reconciled after David killed Faerilyth - and went in to pay their regards. It was a little awkward; there did not seem to be that much to say, all things considered, and so after a time the three of us left. Sivan then volunteered to travel back to New York to alert Charles as to the imminent arrival of the cavalry, and the rest of us went individually to find our dead friends - a comrade of Ursula's, Riordan's mentor, two motleymates of Natella's, and Amy's sister.
Sivan Flicker-flashed back to New York, and called Charles, asking to meet him at his Freehold. Charles agreed, and Sivan headed there quickly. He told Charles all about the army of True Fae and everything we had learned, and Charles listened with increasing skepticism apparent on his face. Sivan relized that Charles believed his tale of an army was the product of a Bedlam-ridden mind, and after trying unsuccessfully to prove to Charles that he wasn't crazy and that there really was an army waiting in the Dreaming to lend its might to the Resistance, he finally decided to try a more direct tactic. He Flicker-flashed Charles to the army itself, using a low-powered version of the cantrip so that it would take a little time, then instantly jumped himself to the camp to gather all of us up and tell us Charles was coming. Most of us came with dead friends in tow, and there was a round of introductions as we waited.
Charles arrived, and his first thought was that he had gone crazy, and his desire for an army to exist was causing him to hallucinate one. However, after a great deal of time, we managed to persuade him that the army was real, and that our cause had just been handed a major weapon. Still a little shaken, Charles was sent back to New York to tell Obanakton what was coming, and start preparing for the army's arrival. Riordan decided that, in the meanwhile, we should go to the Deep Dreaming and repair his sword. We spoke to Alleron ap Dougal, who had forged it in the first place, and he agreed to come with us and oversee the recrafting. We were to leave the following morning. Amy then declared that we should have a party for all our dead friends, and this was heartily agreed to be the company.
This session was nearly a month and a half ago, so there are probably inaccuracies. I'll fix them as they get pointed out.