Your name is ROSE LALONDE, and you are a TROLL with NOBLE PURPLE BLOOD, although not quite noble enough to be a sea-dweller because editing fins onto all your troll icons including the canon one sounds like way too much of an ordeal. You therefore lived by the ocean and largely raised yourself, with occasional advice from your sea-dwelling tentaclebeast lusus. Despite your high birth, you don't think much of the tradition of culling or the hemospectrum as a method of social rank, much preferring your own CUTTING-EDGE PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS of meritocratic analysis. This combines with your fondness for SARCASM in ways that make you KIND OF A CONDESCENDING JERK a lot of the time. But in your own special way.
You nevertheless have a lot of faith in your friends, and due to his charisma you nominated your friend John to coordinate your group through your SGRUB SESSION, although you took upon yourself the task of compiling an EXHAUSTIVE WALKTHROUGH. You successfully completed the session with very little intra-group bloodshed, which you count as a victory for your way of thinking. Unfortunately, there isn't really anyone left to convince. You were until very recently stranded on a meteor in the veil, trolling a group of twelve humans from another universe who have managed to ruin your flawless victory.
Raven is participating in the mass Tales of High School AU, or will be when I actually get around to it. He is the sketchy chemistry teacher who flirts with his students. More details later maybe.