Title: Play You Like A Song
gameboycolorPairing: Chandler Kiehl/Sebastian Smythe (with background Kurt/Blaine)
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Underaged drinking, Sebastian POV.
Length: ~1100
Summary: Part of the Terrible Spies 'verse. Occurs after
Operation Break Up Kurt and Blaine.
It isn’t a magic switch. Sebastian doesn’t suddenly start to hang on to Chandler’s every word like he’s the most interesting person in the goddamn world, but he does start to tolerate him more actively.
He doesn’t laugh at his jokes, but he doesn’t roll his eyes either.
Coming from Sebastian, this might as well be a love letter.
from Kurt:
Saw you and C at the Lima Bean the other day. :)
from Sebastian:
Stop texting me like we’re friends.
from Sebastian:
If you sinking slowly into quicksand, I would pull up a lounge chair and catch up on my Facebook newsfeed.
from Kurt:
Your threats are getting oddly specific.
Sebastian glares down at the phone. He briefly sees a future of obnoxious double dates with Kurt and Blaine and being conned into dressing up as the rest of the cast from the Jersey Shore.
This will not happen. Sebastian will not allow it. He will hook up with Chandler, and that will be that. He needs to get this out of his system. His purely physical feelings for Blaine had been forced to fade gradually when the task of seducing him went from within the realm of possibility to no way in hell, and he’s been itching to carve a notch into his bedpost.
Not that he would really carve a notch into his bedpost. That would be tacky.
from Chandler:
Dinner and drinkies tonight?
from Chandler:
Well, dinner of course, then drinkies. The proposed venue? Your dorm. Please, please, please tell me your RA is a chill cucumber because I have a riesling that I’m dying to try.
Drinkies. Sebastian rests his forehead on his desk and contemplates his life decisions as of late. The one he regrets currently is getting Chandler that fake ID. He’s not even a fun drunk. He’s a ‘let’s go wine tasting!’ sort of drinker.
No one hooks up at a wine tasting.
Plan. Plan. He needs a plan.
from Sebastian:
How about Scandals?
from Chandler:
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and decided it was tacky.
from Chandler:
Come on! It could be fun.
It doesn’t sound so bad.
He pictures having Chandler in his dorm room. It’s a single, because Sebastian can’t stand the idea of living with someone in such a confined space. Maybe they would end up on the bed drinking whatever bottle Chandler bought with his borderline convincing fake ID out of plastic cups and getting better acquainted.
Much better acquainted.
He thinks of how Chandler’s eyes light up when he’s babbling about something and how he’s constantly plucking his glasses off of his face to clean them. This always causes Sebastian to think oh, that’s what you look like without those ridiculous grandpa frames. Not bad.
Crap. This is slowly becoming more difficult than it should have been. He could have responded to Chandler’s advances from the get go instead of wasting another second thinking about Blaine. Emotionally attached to the llama in skinny jeans, too polite for his own good, Blaine.
His tolerance of Chandler is slowly but surely bubbling up into something more, and that ticks Sebastian off.
from Sebastian:
It’s a date.
from Chandler:
You wish. ;)
Chandler doesn’t respond to any of his usual lines. He even goes so far as to coo at Sebastian, as if pretty much telling him he would fuck him if he was bored enough is adorable or something.
But that’s also one of the things Sebastian likes about Chandler. He doesn’t respond to the usual lines. Sebastian has to put effort into it.
It manages to be both frustrating and thrilling at the same time.
“Does drinking wine on a Monday count as senioritis?” Chandlers ask. “Because I am so over high school right now.”
They somehow ended up laying on Sebastian’s floor. Pillows and blankets surround them and Sebastian’s head rests comfortably in Chandler’s lap.
Wine glasses. He brought actual wine glasses, insisting that it would be a crime to drink a twenty dollar bottle of wine out of solo cups.
Sebastian’s laptop is playing random selections from his iTunes, but he stopped paying attention long ago.
“Probably.” He feels lazy and warm from the several glasses of wine he has consumed on a mostly empty stomach. “Definitely.”
Chandler giggles. The sound causes Sebastian to feel a warmth flood his stomach that he can’t blame on the wine. “You’re a little ridiculous, you know that?” He places his drink to the side and proceeds to drag his fingers through Sebastian’s unstyled locks. “Chasing after boys who have boyfriends. I’m starting to think that you only want what you can’t have.”
He’s not sure how the conversation got here, but he is certain that Chandler needs to keep doing that thing with his hair because he is in heaven
“Pot, kettle,” he shoots back. “Kurt, remember?”
“Didn’t know he had a boyfriend. Interfering isn’t usually my style.”
But wait. “You said we should break them up.”
Chandler’s hand stills in his hair momentarily. “I wanted an excuse to spend more time with you.”
“You---” Sebastian tilts his head back in order to urge Chandler to continue with his minstrations. “You went from coming on to me at Scandals to giving me the cold shoulder whenever I hit on you. What was that about?”
“I figured out how you operate,” Chandler smirks. He gives Sebastian’s hair a small tug. “It’s not like it was hard or anything. You’re about as deep as a puddle, sweetheart.”
Oh my god. Sebastian is pretty sure he’s never been more attracted to a person before.
It only takes a split second of heated eye contact for Sebastian to lean up and crush their lips together. Chandler tastes like the sweet wine they’ve been drinking, and he kisses like it’s a competition. Sebastian likes that in a guy. He hates the sort of kissing where the other guy is content to be kissed. It bores him.
“Oh my god,” Sebastian mutters again his lips. “You were playing me right back.”
“I’ve always been pretty good at getting what I want.” Chandler pulls off his glasses, and Sebastian is surprised to find himself missing the grandpa frames. “They... fog up,” he explains quickly before kissing the corner of Sebastian’s mouth in apology. “Like I was saying, I always get what I want, and Sebastian Smythe... you’re it.”