FAQ + Guidelines

May 06, 2019 20:58

faq + guidelines

What is game-of-thrones?
game-of-thrones is a landcomm inspired by Game of Thrones. What is a landcomm? A landcomm is a team challenge community. Members are divided into teams and participate in various challenge to earn points for said team, at the end of the round the team with the most points wins (the Iron Throne)! **Although this is a Game of Thrones inspired landcomm all challenges are multi-fandom**

How do I join?
You must join game-of-thrones and then sign up here. Your sign up will be approved within 48 hours, at which time you'll receive invites to red-keep and your team community.

What is red-keep?
red-keep is a communal community for members to post their challenge submissions (graphics, fanfics, etc). You're not required to post here, but it's available if you wish to.

What are the rounds?
Each round will last about 3 months.

What are the challenges?
The challenges are multi-fandom and multi-work, though some will be centric to one kind of fanwork (graphic, mix, etc). Each challenge will have a central theme that your work must relate to.

Do I have to participate in every challenge?
No. Your participation is what earns you, and your team, points though so you should participate as often as possible. You can also participate as little or as much per challenge as you want. For example, if a challenge offers 5-40pts you can aim for all 40 or an amount in between.

What is a sigtag?
A sigtag is an identifying graphic (a minimum of 300x150px). A sigtag features your username, or name, as well as your team. Sigtags are optional, however you will earn 1 bonus point for using a sigtag when participating in challenges.

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