Dr. Who: Rose

Jul 03, 2011 22:34

It's been a long time since I watched Dr. Who. Probably around fifteen years, maybe twenty. I never watched it religiously. It was just an every now and then thing that I'd catch when I was trying to tune in to watch Blake's 7. I gathered the basic background - time lord, reincarnations, travels in time and space, fights aliens, etc. But I never had much of the plot. When I heard a "New Who" series was coming out some years back, I was mildly interested, but not enough to tune in.

Now I've watched one episode.

Am I hooked? No. I don't think so. I'm also not turned off by it, so I'll definitely watch another sometime soon. The Doctor ... that's the guy who played Claude in Heroes, right? Because he sounded just like him at times.

The show was a bit campy and weird, but I like that. I also liked that the people weren't perfect. Nor were their living arrangements. They seemed so much more *real* than what I see on American shows. I dunno. It just has a different feel to it. I think I can get into this.

television shows, dr who

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