Then what exactly would you want to see?
Obviously, Shattered Identity, main story, bonus and mature are IN.
Salvation of Acceptance, main story, bonus and Mature are IN.
But there are several other stories in the same AU. Should I include:
- The Adventures of Matt Parkman (25 chapters, set early in Shattered Identity, but doesn't intersect with Peter or Gabriel)
- The Romances of Maury Parkman (6 chapters, never includes Peter or Gabriel, but interacts with their timeline via Angela, in the last three chapters)
- The Diary of Lyle Bennet (this is incomplete at the current time, no timetable for finishing it, does not intersect with Peter or Gabriel)
- Invalid Reality (stand alone of Hesam encountering Eli, no intersection)
- Claire Bennet vs. the Zombie Queen (Claire vs. an OC antagonist, no intersection)
- Oversharing (Matt/Sylar, set back when Sylar was possessing Matt, no meaningful intersection, precedes the main story chronologically and I don't like that)
- Reminescences (Peter/Nathan, for real, set in 2000, this would be chapter #1 if I arrange chronologically and I don't like that, because it doesn't relate to everything else in a meaningful way)
- Best Victim/Worst Punishment (Adam/Eric Thompson snuff-fic set in 1984 - this is too gross for me to include, period. I'm... I shouldn't even have put it on the list here. Ignore it!)
I don't mind including 4 and 5 - they're single chapters that happen later on the timeline and might make nice diversions of "Oh, and by the way this happened elsewhere" sort of things. I'd like to include the last three chapters of Romances for the same reason, but the first three aren't connected to Peter/Gabriel. They do develop Patty Pennington who shows up later and works briefly with Peter, but if we're following Patty, she's originally developed and intro'd in Adventures of Matt Parkman. And she's an OC, so I kind of doubt anyone really cares about her.
So the main thing I'm undecided on is whether to include The Adventures of Matt Parkman and the first three chapters of Romances of Maury Parkman. Input?
I'm moving forward on assembling the whole damn story in slow motion, but the motion is there. I'm going to stick it on FanFiction.Net as a single story too I think. There's a rule somewhere there about reposting, but fuck it - I'm already in flagrant disregard of their rating rules, and of posting timelines, so I figure this isn't the worst I could do.
I can't post directly from my computer to LJ without requiring extensive reformatting. So what I have taken to doing is posting on FFN, then copying and pasting into LJ, because that eliminates the reformatting step. But on Shattered Identity, when I had revisions after posting, I would save them to my computer and leave the "bad" version on FFN, because I did not, at that point, know how to replace a chapter.
So the process is:
- Decide on what's IN and what's OUT
- Post all IN on FFN (200-300 chapters)
- Copy/Paste chapter by chapter to LJ
- Create master post, populate with links
- Cross post to some communities that won't be scared off by a million word monster of a story that's ongoing