So tonight I'm rewatching the third Heroes episode, One Giant Leap. To keep up with my resolution, I should have done it last week, but ... well ... I could claim DVD player problems, but I got those tackled Sunday and then didn't rewatch all week. Whatever.
I didn't catch up on Reborn until today either. That was cool. They have one episode left of it.
It's interesting to see Matt Parkman here. He was in the Reborn episode, too.
Ah, here's Peter being all dramatic and shit about falling into a pile of sand. Heh. It's proof that he *did* try to practice his powers. And he went to the library trying to do research, read the book and put little tabs on the pages.
Chandra Suresh is clearly a follower of the Socratic method - never provide an answer when you can ask another question.
A consistent theme of Heroes (and a lot of storytelling) is the coming of age story where the characters feel out of pace with their role. They feel like adults, but haven't yet fledged and tried their wings. It's a good story. It's the one Claire had throughout the series. I just wish they'd allowed her to have that experience of doing things on her own. I think a large part of why they didn't was because she was female. Male heroes get to have that arc. Look at Ant-Man, for example. A whole movie about him getting his powers when the inventor's daughter starts and ends with more skills than he has, but isn't allowed to use the suit or get her own powers because the menfolk are all too busy 'protecting' her. (Like Noah tries to protect Claire.) At the very end of the movie, her inventor father agrees to let her try on her own powers, if she allows him to supervise - a limitation the man didn't have to deal with. But she did. And so I think Claire's continual childhood was a product of her time.
Sylar has left a trail across a dozen states, which implies a dozen murders. No sign of physical contact - not ever, which means he's extraordinarily hands-off. Oh, here's Mo breaking into Sy's apartment. Cool. Pepper grinder. Tea cup. Books. Plastic-wrapped furniture. Tiny single bed. Book on autopsy and brains. A mirrored panel that slides back to reveal Sylar's panic room, complete with guilt closet all taped off.
And here we have Sylar's first appearance, dragging Molly into the hallway. I think Sylar had a spider-climbing ability, or wall-crawling power.
Peter's replacement in taking care of Charles is named Caroline. "I've been trying to save the world, one person at a time, but I'm meant for something more, something bigger." Ah, that's Peter. Such a sweetie.
Janice made ... 'associate'. In a law firm? Is there any other field that calls people associate as a level of prestige?
Claire has the most delicate ... skull.
Nathan, cockblocking Peter's pass at Simone. Didn't work ultimately, as Peter ended up with her by the end of the night. Peter's all WTF about Nathan's announcement. Poor guy. You really feel for him there.
And then there's the Haitian's appearance. Scary as hell with nothing but silence and stillness.
Sylar's empty apartment. Ha. I wonder what Mohinder told the cops to get them to show up with them?
Whoa, Peter really clocked Nathan hard. Ouch. Both times. And Nathan takes it as a fair price.
And that's the end. :)