In the last week, I've seen four movies. My responses range from 'meh' to 'OMG WOW!' There may be mild spoilers for The Divide and Pacific Rim, but they've been out long enough that I figure it's fair.
Was there more than one movie of Hateful Eight? No, I was referring to other Tarantino films (namely Django. And Inglorious Basterds, which I liked - gotta love Christoph Waltz!)
Hmm. I went into SW expecting letdowns (J.J. Abrams and Disney and "reboot" all combined) but hoping I would be surprised but...I was very disappointed. If it had been a whole new story and plot, I would have loved it as something completely new and original.
Yeah, Milo. The guy who says he's a pacifist but thinks random violence is a punchline. He admits his personality is "dark and moody" but it's a little juvenile after a while. His character in Pathology makes zero sense right out of the gate. Characters doing extreme things with no backstory or character development to connect it.
Maze Runner: Yes, plot holes aplenty. To the point where, at the end, I was saying, "I don't get it."
Fifth Estate is worth watching. Since it's a true story and a real event, it's one of those twisted 'he's right, but he's also wrong, and they're right and also wrong, so what's the right answer?' things. I really got into the Imitation Game and I highly recommend it to you. Simply amazing acting and great MBU/Sylar parallels.
No, I was asking if there was another Pacific Rim movie, not a Hateful Eight thing.
Inglorious Bastards was on my list of 'things I want to see', but after Hateful Eight, it's way down there. Largely, my complaint about Milo's dark movies is the same as what I disliked in Tarantino's - the unnecessary violence (and in Tarantino's case, gore). You're right that it just seems immature at times, like the character couldn't think of any better course of action than to lash out and hurt someone.
I think I saw Imitation Game and was impressed with it. That was the one where he played the WWII cryptographer, right? It was great and made me want to see more of Cumberbatch's stuff. He's not physically attractive to me, but I love the subtlety of his acting.
I'm sorry the new Star Wars didn't do it for you. If you see the future ones, I'll hope they restore it for you. I know there were a lot of elements in this one that were very similar to the previous ones. I'm okay with that because I think they are headed to a different place with it in the future movies.
Hmm. I went into SW expecting letdowns (J.J. Abrams and Disney and "reboot" all combined) but hoping I would be surprised but...I was very disappointed. If it had been a whole new story and plot, I would have loved it as something completely new and original.
Yeah, Milo. The guy who says he's a pacifist but thinks random violence is a punchline. He admits his personality is "dark and moody" but it's a little juvenile after a while. His character in Pathology makes zero sense right out of the gate. Characters doing extreme things with no backstory or character development to connect it.
Maze Runner: Yes, plot holes aplenty. To the point where, at the end, I was saying, "I don't get it."
Fifth Estate is worth watching. Since it's a true story and a real event, it's one of those twisted 'he's right, but he's also wrong, and they're right and also wrong, so what's the right answer?' things. I really got into the Imitation Game and I highly recommend it to you. Simply amazing acting and great MBU/Sylar parallels.
Inglorious Bastards was on my list of 'things I want to see', but after Hateful Eight, it's way down there. Largely, my complaint about Milo's dark movies is the same as what I disliked in Tarantino's - the unnecessary violence (and in Tarantino's case, gore). You're right that it just seems immature at times, like the character couldn't think of any better course of action than to lash out and hurt someone.
I think I saw Imitation Game and was impressed with it. That was the one where he played the WWII cryptographer, right? It was great and made me want to see more of Cumberbatch's stuff. He's not physically attractive to me, but I love the subtlety of his acting.
I'm sorry the new Star Wars didn't do it for you. If you see the future ones, I'll hope they restore it for you. I know there were a lot of elements in this one that were very similar to the previous ones. I'm okay with that because I think they are headed to a different place with it in the future movies.
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