Bricks in the Wall, Chapter 94: Petrelli Promises

Jul 29, 2015 13:55

Title: Petrelli Promises
Characters: Sylar, Peter
Words: 500
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Setting: The Wall
Summary: Peter is such a hot head.

"I never finished that book."

Sylar looked over at him questioningly.

"That book: Alive! I said I'd finish it in three or four days. Didn't."

Sylar had never expected Peter to keep his word in the first place. It was weird how the man would point his own failings out like it was some sort of confession. He shrugged dismissively. "Petrelli promises."

Peter whacked him in the face almost immediately, the motion so fast it took Sylar a moment to figure out what had happened. Sylar touched at his stinging upper lip and blinked at Peter in surprise. Having jumped up and now standing at arm's length from him, Peter seethed and glared. "Don't talk about my family like that!"

Sylar licked the sore spot on his lip and rose to his feet slowly. "I'll talk about them however I want," he said resentfully.

"No," Peter got in his face, "you won't!"

Sylar drew himself up to his full height, realizing they may well be on the verge of another throw-down. Growling, he said, "I've earned the right to say whatever I want about them, Peter. I paid for it in blood and more."

Peter couldn't have gotten any closer without kissing him, but that seemed to be the last thing on his mind. Pity. "Fuck that! You lost the right to say anything about anyone in my family - especially you!"

Sylar blinked once, not entirely sure how Peter meant that, aside from insultingly and angrily, which was clear as day. Was he saying Sylar was part of the family? He tilted his head and leaned backwards as much as he dared without risking losing his balance. He refused to actually step away first, so he snarked, "You might not be so sensitive about it if there wasn't so much to be said."

Peter's brows climbed. Honestly, Sylar had expected to get hit again, but Peter seemed to be actually thinking about what had been said. "Yeah, maybe so." Peter backed off, then rallied with, "You know I'm sensitive about it, there's nothing I can do about it other than shut you up, so don't start anything to start with!" He paced uneasily, but it looked like working off tension rather than building up to another outburst.

"Your articulation could use some work," Sylar said quietly, slowly calming down as he realized there wasn't going to be a fight. Peter grimaced at him and returned to his seat glumly. "I suppose it's not your fault you're related to them," Sylar offered, settling himself down as well. He was going to count this conversation as a win on his side, even if it resulted in him saying less about the despicable Clan Petrelli in future. It was nice to have Peter admit they were fucked up.

Peter just shrugged. "I'll read the book next."

Strangely, Sylar believed him this time.

bricks, rated pg

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