Book review: Pride and Prejudice

Oct 13, 2014 20:33

By rights, I should spend at least a few thousand words waxing rhapsodic about Jane Austin's incredible work. I really should. But I am developing a head cold and I'm tired. So here it is - Pride and Prejudice was a fantastic book. I disliked it at first because it had all the girly tropes I tend to dislike - dresses and finery and fashion and girl-talk, too much emotion and sentiment, etc. But then I started thinking in terms of the women marrying as being like a career decision, in a job you can never quit and a boss you can never leave. The beginning salary is very likely to be your income forever. Looked at that way, I can see why women would obsess over getting the right 'situation' and why romantic love was considered an excellent benefit, but not a requirement.

Once I got over my personal hang-ups, it was a great book. I laughed. I might have even teared up at moments. I wondered if some of the men were abusive assholes. I thought about it a lot. Anyway, that's all I'll say about it at the moment because I can't concentrate.


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