My weekend

Oct 03, 2014 22:53

Busy weekend, but most of it will be spent at home cooking.


  • Post the three Brick stories

  • Make sure swim suit fits

  • Lay out meat


  • Brazilian jujitsu

  • Check beehive - I didn’t do it last week.

  • Make broth from doves

  • Soak beans

  • Write MBU

  • Dig holes in the yard

  • Dehydrate fruit

  • Rewatch Heroes

  • Review bf's resume


  • Make bread and cinnamon rolls

  • Shop to support food plan for next week:

    • 6 bell peppers

    • 1 head cabbage

    • Bread

    • Cereal

    • Almond milk

    • Half and half

    • Sardines

  • Bake and ice chocolate cake for coworker's birthday

  • Prep food for the next week:

    • Cut and bag whatever I’m adding to the eggs for breakfast

    • Cut and bag the 8 oz vegetables

    • Prepare ‘four ounces protein’ for morning snack - pork, okra, tomatoes

    • Make more beany chili for lunches

    • Continue cottage cheese/egg whites with pickles for afternoon snack (fish on Friday) - Boil eggs

    • Continue protein shake (need more bananas?)

    • Decide on and prep dinner dishes, lay out turkey, portion out; lay out squash with pesto, portion out - 6 oz protein and veg.

mundane stuff

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