This weekend is cold!

Sep 12, 2014 18:41

I'm hoping for another routine, low stress weekend. I wrote the list below while I was still warmly esconced at my place of work, unaware of how dang chilly it was outside. So a bunch of my outdoor activities might get put off. I hear it will be warmer tomorrow and warmer still on Sunday.

  • Vacuum living room. Working out on the floor has reminded me of how long it’s been since I’ve vacuumed in there.
  • Clean up my house plants.
  • Pick okra
  • Check my fall garden of radishes, lettuce, beets, turnips, chard, peas, and whatever else I planted a couple weeks ago. At least it feels like a couple weeks. It might have just been last week.
  • Enjoy the fact that I am not working out today.

  • Brazilian jujitsu - which counts as working out.
  • Fix garage door opener. It’s been annoying me for months now.
  • Water trees if it doesn’t rain enough today.
  • Situate my new queen, “Margaery” (yes, I am naming her after the Game of Thrones character - the old queen will henceforth be known as “Cersei”). This will require drilling a 5/8” entry hole in my extra medium super, then stocking it with brood and honey from the existing hive, installing a queen excluder, and releasing her on one side of it. It’s possible Margaery, being new, will be able to slip through the excluder and will kill Cersei, but so it goes. Hopefully, she’ll be so fat and ready for egg-laying that she can’t get through the excluder. With any luck, I’ll end up with two queens in one hive. The reason for this is so that the one, limited batch of worker bees can support both queens through the winter. If I split them, the bees will probably make a decision themselves as to which hive should survive and they’ll end up with only one. In the spring, I’d like to have two hives to split instead of one. That’s the plan, at least. Worst case, queen 1 kills queen 2 and I still have one good hive with one good queen.
  • Plant the persimmon sprouts. The weather has turned mild. I might as well get them started. I’ll need to put out a stake so I don’t accidentally mow them down.
  • Prune trees.

  • Make bread and cinnamon rolls
  • Cook up winter squash
  • Shoot at rats and/or rabbits
  • Edit and revise 3 MBU chapters
  • Prep food for the next week:
  1. Cut and bag whatever I’m adding to the eggs for breakfast
  2. Cut and bag the 8 oz vegetables (probably winter squash)
  3. Need to prepare something as ‘four ounces protein’ for morning snack
  4. Continue beany chili for lunches - this will use them up this week
  5. Continue cottage cheese/egg whites with pickles for afternoon snack (fish on Friday)
  6. Continue protein shake (need more bananas)
  7. Decide on and prep dinner dishes - 6 oz protein and veg.

Other stuff, if I have time:
  • Weed front flower beds
  • Pull or trim weeds around fruit trees
  • Write Peter masturbation fic as requested by Anonymous Tumblr person

mundane stuff

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