
Sep 05, 2014 22:26

I anticipate a fairly routine, low stress weekend.


  • Go by the bank for monthly money - for emergency fund plus pocket money

  • Brazilian jujitsu

  • Home to fix lunch for kids

  • Out to gun range by 1:45 to buy gun and attend 2 pm class Intro to Handguns

  • Pick okra

  • Fix dinner, water garden and/or trees, socialize with cousin, read books, etc.


  • Make bread and cinnamon rolls

  • Transfer bees into new supers. Take notes and maybe pictures of hive health.

  • Apply mite and hive beetle controls

  • Shoot at rats and/or rabbits

  • Edit and revise 3 MBU chapters

Other stuff, if I have time:

  • Weed front flower beds

  • Pull or trim weeds around fruit trees

  • Write Peter masturbation fic as requested by Anonymous Tumblr person

mundane stuff

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