Bricks in the Wall, Chapter 77: Twisted

Aug 29, 2014 19:54

Title: Twisted
Characters: Peter, Sylar
Words: 600
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violent sex, hate-sex
Setting: The Wall
Summary: A fight which turns into sex.

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bricks, rated nc-17

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means2bhuman August 30 2014, 07:30:29 UTC
You've written hatesex before - that Trust (?) fic that DD3 continued is the closest one I can remember, but you have other stories that have had elements or chapters like it.

I think you nailed it. It goes from fighting, to angry and in that moment, it tips into 'hey, he's really close to me, against me, on top of me' and the emotion is intense and slips into sex. I love picturing the quiet room going from punches, grunts and curses, to quiet, maybe a bit of struggling, then the frantic grabbing and panting of arousal. It's the perfect moment where the tension just snaps and they both know what to do and it works; it's successful. I also loved the bits of tenderness (not that either one of them is really in a position or headspace to complain) - Sylar being gentle with some mouthing/kisses (and probably otherwise keeping his mouth shut so as not to ruin the moment!); and Peter caressing him as Sylar gets off, letting him lie on him, even feeling horribly guilty about having been violent and the blood on Sylar.

Sylar finds this kind of sex perfectly normal, expected, and even longed-for (because he's probably been trying to make this happen for a while now) while Peter is horrified, surprised, guilty, and maybe a little turned on at this type of sex. I can see him vowing to never have sex with Sylar again (totally not wanting to see him naked or be naked with him) and at the same time vowing that *if* he slips up again, he'll make it better. I definitely see it bothering Peter before it bothers Sylar, who probably knows the drill and doesn't speak of it except to try and make it happen again.

I picture their relief of just enjoying the post-orgasmic (finally!) sensations, straightening their clothes, and yes, going back to the way they were before to their equal relief and disappointment until one of them tries this same move again :D

Lovely little fic, very intense, very sexy and surprisingly deep. There's a lot of…unsaid emotion that is hinted at.


game_byrd August 30 2014, 21:46:44 UTC
Thank you!

In my mind, this wouldn't be/wasn't the first time this had happened (that arguing or fighting had turned into sex), and it probably wouldn't be the last. There's a lot of cooperation and reciprocity going on - they're not just getting themselves off, but rather each helps the other. Peter would be guilty about so much of this scene. That Sylar lets it go without requiring him to talk about it is a kindness of itself.


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