My birthday weekend!

Aug 08, 2014 21:55

Yay! I am 42 years old now! The answer to life, the universe, and everything! :D

My plans for this weekend aren't exotic. I will get up in the morning and make pancakes for the ungrateful (or maybe oatmeal if I'm feeling particularly mean). Then I'll go by my mother's place and get however many eggs I have reservations for. That's probably all 14 dozen I advertised on the Tulsa Urban Farming Facebook page. Every Friday I post however many eggs I have and people place orders. Then I go to a Southern Agriculture store near my ex's house on Saturday and sell them out of my trunk. My parents get the money.

After dropping off the eggs to keep them cool inside the A/C of the building (I have a deal with the manager of the Southern Ag store), I'll trot off to Brazilian Jui Jitsu class about a block away. I went to a self-defense class a couple weeks ago and they gave me a punch card for five free classes. The only class that met my schedule was this BJJ one. So I've been going to it. I like it a lot! Both the times I've done it before, I've been ridiculously sore the day after, but that really jazzes me up about the whole thing instead of putting me off. It means I'm getting a workout and getting stronger. Plus, let's not undervalue having sweaty, muscular, very fit guys crawling all over you who will stop the moment you tell them to. Did I mention this was pretty awesome?

After BJJ, I'll go back to where the eggs are and sell them at the designated, advertised time slot. Then I'll come home. After a lunch of bacon and tomato sandwiches for the plebes, I'll start some chicken on a slow bake for dinner. Then I'll get started on the subject of my kids' wardrobes, beginning with my son. He's finally getting some growth, enough so his first grade clothes definitely don't fit him. (He's now 14, and entering 8th grade, so that tells you something about his size.) Rather than try to sort what fits and what doesn't, I'm going to toss everything and buy new. I should probably drag him off to Wal-Mart and do that 'buy new' before I throw everything else out. I've had issues with clothes shopping before. I have found it be very irritating, stressful, and frustrating. But I need to give it a try tomorrow. If it doesn't pan out, there's always Sunday, or Amazon. Their first day back in school is next Thursday though, so I need to get going on it.

While I'm in the store, I need to pick up school supplies for my daughter. I have her list. They don't issue one for the older kids, who basically just need a folder, paper, pencils, a few notebooks, and something to carry it all in.

Sunday - cinnamon rolls and bread. Or maybe I'll find time to do that on Saturday.

At some point, I intend to make an apple pie. I picked all my remaining apples this week because the deer helped themselves to half of them. The ones I have are very flavorful. I think they'll make a great pie.

Another intended action is to sell off all of my ex's remaining game books. The collection has dwindled as I've sold off bits and pieces. Now I've drastically cut the price to get rid of the rest. I have a taker. I just have to work out if he's willing to come pick them up, or if I have to lug all twenty (yes, 20!) boxes of books to him. I'm hoping the $400 will cover all the kids' clothes I'm going to buy. That would be nice, because I didn't budget for it.

It would also be nice to get some fishing in, to cut my son's hair, make him mow the lawn, and do a little more weedeating. Oh, and writing! I've found a bunch of Petlar notes I took while in England that I ought to put down and publish. I'm not sure where that fits in.

mundane stuff

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