Movie reviews: World War Z and X-Men Days of Future Past

Jul 16, 2014 22:02

World War Z

It was good. I liked it. Brad Pitt was about as unattractive as I’ve seen him in a movie, which means he was still to die for. The plot worked for me (aside from realism plot holes I won’t bother to list). There were several scary moments and a lot of nice tension. There were female characters who took meaningful actions, so even though I figure the movie fails the Bechdal Test, I didn’t mind it much. No nudity. No sex. Low gore, considering the subject matter. Like many movies in the last couple decades, it seems deliberately staged for development into a video game, as a first person shooter. But again - the movie was fun enough that I didn’t mind.

X-Men Days of Future Past

I saw this one about a month ago and didn’t get around to writing about it. It was very, very good. The Cherik was strong with it. I have loads of issues with time travel and continuity, but I’ll overlook them for enough eye candy and angst, which was provided. I liked the central message of letting those you love live their own lives. It’s something the mutants have to learn as a group to deal with mundanes, else they become the dictators the humans fear they will be. It was nice to see the mutants learning this lesson in regards to one another. Hopefully it will spread to their interactions with mundanes. I do wish they’d been undeniable in Charles and Erik having a romantic interest in one another. That would have made it even better.


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