Weekend again

Jul 11, 2014 22:41

My daughter has her birthday today and party tomorrow. She’ll be turning eight.

Friday stuff I meant to do tonight and haven't  -

  • Wrap daughter’s books and DVD. I'll do this shortly, as soon as I'm sure she's asleep. Everything else for Friday will carryover to Saturday.

  • Post Childish Things Brick.

  • Post another MBU chapter.

  • Follow up with game stores about game book collection.

  • Add new game books to inventory list.

  • Check Tulsa library for Hume and Kant.

Saturday -

  • Go to Southern Ag at 2 pm. Sell eggs. Hopefully get cartons.

  • My daughter’s birthday party 4 pm to 8 pm. Seven to ten kids aged six to fourteen, hopped up on cake, ice cream, and watermelon. What’s more stressful is the half dozen adults I might be required to wrangle.

Sunday -

  • Bread and cinnamon rolls.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon around blackberries.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon around asparagus and in front circle.

  • Consider bagging apples to keep the varmints off of them.

  • Have pictures taken of son and I.

  • Dust some hens with sevin that night.

Parking Lot -

  • Work on boyfriend’s resume.

  • Research selling things on eBay some more.

  • Meditate - This seems to be working, sort of. I’ve done it several times and am getting in practice at relaxing on cue.

mundane stuff

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