Bricks in the Wall, Chapter 67: The Fourth Stage

Jun 21, 2014 15:16

Title: The Fourth Stage
Characters: Sylar, Peter
Words: 1800
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: The occasional f-word
Setting: The Wall
Summary: Sylar finds Peter in a depressed fugue over Nathan's passing. He doesn't know what to do to help, but he tries.
Note: The Fourth Stage of the Kubler-Ross model of Grieving is depression.

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bricks, sylar, peter, rated pg

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Comments 2

weird_little June 21 2014, 20:48:12 UTC
That was nicely done; I enjoyed it. I'm glad you're still writing in this universe!

Loved this line: He glared at Sylar with the most intense hate Sylar had ever seen, which was saying a lot. Um, yeah, Sylar probably knows what hate looks like. :-)

I notice that Sylar doesn't mention that Elle killed him over and over again before she "got over it." Might be hard to let Peter do that, under the current circumstances. ;-)

A typo you might want to fix: He less of an idea of how to tend a crying Peter than one who was brimming with rage. I think you meant to say "He HAD less of an idea."

After Nathan died, the writers of Heroes had Peter be all "Nathan was such a great brother" about him, and that always seemed weird to me. I mean yeah, I expected him to miss Nathan and to mourn his death, but Nathan had Peter tasered and sent to a concentration camp. It's hard for me to imagine overlooking a betrayal of that magnitude. This isn't a quibble about your story, of course -- it's canon that Peter claims that Nathan was wonderful ( ... )


game_byrd June 21 2014, 21:23:23 UTC
I have Peter be pretty conflicted (privately) about his feelings for Nathan. But he's not about to let someone else disrespect his brother's memory.

Thank you for the typo catch! I'll fix that in a few minutes.

Sylar didn't mention that he invited death from Mohinder as well. It's kind of a theme with him - that he kills someone's relative and then lets them take their best shot.


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