What I'm going to get done this weekend

Mar 15, 2014 10:35

I'm still not feeling well. My throat hurts and I get tired easily. So my main goal for the weekend is to get my strawberry plants planted. That's about it. Here's the plan, in order:
  • Start some bread to rising and later this afternoon I'll bake it and a dozen cinnamon rolls. I have the kids around.
  • Start a load of laundry. It's supposed to rain later today and by that time, we can fold clothes.
  • Go out and rake smooth all the dirt I got yesterday. I used a front end loader to get nine loads of nice garden dirt. It's enough to fill my three raised beds and get some fill for where I'm going to put blackberries. I'm not sure if I have enough to fill the low spot where the blackberries are, but I'll find out. I'll set the kids to leveling the blackberry area while I work on the strawberry beds.
  • If I have time and energy and the blackberry area looks raised enough, I should go to a store and buy the plants, then get them in the ground.
  • Late lunch? Breakfast was kind of heavy as bacon and eggs, so I figure I'll be good to go until 1 or 2 pm.
  • By now, it will probably be raining, so I'll clean and sort the bee stuff I got earlier in the week, when I got the hive. I also need to clean the extension cord and heat lamps we used on the chickens this winter. They have poop all over them. Once cleaned - store.
  • Finish up bread.
  • Fold laundry.
  • Rewatch Heroes?
  • Pancakes for breakfast (for the kids - I'll eat a couple eggs because pancakes are off my diet).
  • Play D&D.
  • Sandwiches for lunch (for the kids - I'll probably have raw veggies).
  • Hang out with boyfriend.
  • Make sure the kids do their chores.
  • Dinner - guess I should start thinking about that now. Maybe another beef roast? But if I do that, it would help to have those flavor packs to crock pot it with. Hm. I could do drip beef. I've always used my mother-in-law's recipe for that, but my ex took the recipe card with him when he left. I wonder if I could get him to relate it to me over the phone? It was a real simple recipe, though I might tone it down a bit and modify.
  • Game night with the kids.

mundane stuff

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