Weekend to-do: recovery version

Mar 07, 2014 14:27

I believe I had/have strep throat. OMG, that is the most agonizing sore throat ever! Strep's main symptom is the 'sudden, severe sore throat' (which they are NOT kidding) in the absence of most flu symptoms. And then there's the spots on the back of the throat, which I didn't see Wednesday, but saw clear as day yesterday. So I started taking the antibiotics my mother was pushing, because strep is bacterial, not viral. So far I've only taken three doses, but already I am hugely better. The pain, instead of being fucking unbearable/can I drink myself into oblivion during this?, is now merely ... painful. I managed to get some slightly less broken sleep this morning after the second dose. But seriously - I was up NINE times last night - to gargle salt water, to pee, to eat a little - but mostly just to feel miserable and in agony, just like the night before. And that's after consuming a screwdriver stiff enough that I couldn't walk straight and taking a hot bath - two things usually pretty certain to knock me out.

So - maybe I've identified it. Maybe I'm treating it correctly. Maybe it will go away now.

In the meantime, what am I going to do over the weekend? Um, not much. My standards are pretty low at the moment:
  • I plan to finish my final read-through on Broken Connections and start posting.
  • I'm going to watch the next Heroes episode and prep my comments for it.
  • I'm going to get my sleep cycle sorted out.
  • If I feel tremendously better *AND* the weather is cooperative (20% chance according to the forecasters), then I'll go dig up the dirt for the strawberry beds. As far as actually getting the strawberries planted? I dunno. Let's go one step at a time.
  • Play D&D.
  • Do some online shopping with my boyfriend for camping gear and maybe a decent strap-on.
  • Do some workout exercises. My lower back is killing me. I assume it's from the lack of activity. Some simple crunches and stretches wouldn't hurt anything.
  • It would be nice to make it to the bank, withdraw some money for my cash emergency fund, and go shopping for a couple things. But none of them are things that can't wait until next week. I'm worried about getting somewhere and then running out of energy.
And ... yeah, that's about it. Maybe I'll run a load of laundry if I'm feeling really fired up, but I think the above is probably all I've got fuel in the tank for.

In good news, my second batch of toilet parts arrived yesterday evening and with my boyfriend's help, we got them installed. On the second try, it even worked! Yay us! So now I'm back to having all toilets up and functional.

Also, I don't know if I mentioned it, but I got in my federal tax refund and set it to pay off my student loan earlier this week. That's my last debt other than the mortgage. I'm thrilled! I had enough leftover to open the eTrade account I've yakked about before. I was too foggy-headed to figure out how to do anything with it, but I made it that far. Then, as I mentioned above, there's some money set aside for us to buy luxuries and fun stuff, and the rest will beef up my emergency funds. This isn't all the tax stuff, as I still have all the revised tax returns to get a response on. That's where the audit danger lies. We'll see how that turns out.

mundane stuff

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