My weekend plans

Feb 21, 2014 19:15

Tomorrow, I will either garden, or I will write. Maybe both.

Tonight I stopped by the nursery and bought some stuff. I planted a ginormous Redhaven Peach tree in the back yard, taking the place of one that died last year. Tomorrow, I have to deal with the rest of my purchases - 50 strawberry plants, 8 asparagus crowns, and probably a hundred supersweet onion starts. Before I can do much with these, though, I really need to clean my beds. That means raking out all the dead bermuda and stalks and dead weeds, then pulling out anything still alive that I don't want there. Then plant.

If I end up writing, I'll continue revising chapter 2 of Broken Connections. It's going to be reworked so instead of interviewing four characters, you'll only see two. I'd like to rewatch Heroes. I'm either one or two episodes behind now.

Speaking of which, tonight I need to write my MBU entry. I meant to do it at work, but I had too much work to do.

Sunday I'll play D&D (and/or garden), cook a huge pot of ham and beans (which I'll make the stock for starting tomorrow evening and cooking all night), and go get the kids. I'll make some cinnamon rolls and bread, too.

My tax money's not back yet and I'm champing at the bit to know how that's going to turn out. Will they simply comply with my numbers? Will they ham-handedly send me a 'correction' and leave it at that? (And if so, how much money will I get or owe?) Or will they audit me? I've gone ahead and sent off for the lifetime hunting/fishing licenses for my boyfriend and I, which is a pretty big expense. I can pay it even if I get no refund at all (another matter if they decide I owe them, though). But is it premature to fantasize about what I'd do with the money? Or just prudent planning?

At some point, I need to hit up the public library for a download of the next Game of Thrones book - I'm almost done with the second one, A Clash of Kings.

That's what I'm up to this weekend. So I'll go grab dinner, then get to MBU.

mundane stuff

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