This weekend

Jan 11, 2014 09:38

I will:
  • Get laid
  • Work out twice
  • Shampoo my leather coat
  • Write (Broken and/or MBU)
  • Watch TV (Heroes, Almost Human, Sherlock, and Commanding Heights Part 3)
  • Play D&D
  • Stay off Tumblr
  • Fold and put away my laundry
  • Visit the chickens
  • Put away the sweet potatoes. They've been sitting out in my breakfast nook since I dug them, supposedly 'curing' but in reality just sitting there. I've eaten more than 30 pounds of them and have about that much yet to go.
  • Post my 2014 goals
That's quite a bit, but I don't have the kids this weekend, so I should be able to be productive.

mundane stuff

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