Holiday activities

Nov 26, 2013 19:58

I have from now until Sunday evening without the kids. A lot of that time, my boyfriend will be off working. What am I going to do with myself in the meantime?

I'm going to:
  • Post 'Getting It' on FFN, AO3, LJ, and probably Tumblr.
  • Get caught up watching SHIELD.
  • Is it worthwhile to finish up Bates Motel? I wonder. I did download all the episodes. If not, I should delete them to free up disk space.
  • See if I can check out and download the audiobooks for the Hunger Games series from the library.
  • Would this be a good time to transfer over the rest of Shattered Salvation to AO3? I think I've still got about half of it to go.
  • I should write a movie review of Catching Fire.
  • I want to go watch some movies, maybe Friday, with a male friend of mine, and without the boyfriend - I've been paling around with him enough. I want to keep ties with other people. Perhaps we can catch a couple movies back-to-back.
  • Write reviews of whatever movies I see, if any.
  • Work out every weekday.
  • Attend Thanksgiving at my parent's, but this is a bit iffy. I have found myself to be more angry at my father after my mother told/reminded him of what happened and he blew it off as 'I was just angry; I didn't mean any of that.' That's not acceptable, but I'm not sure what to do about it. I want an apology.
  • Prepare meals for the next week or two. Portion them up and freeze them.
  • D&D on Sunday
  • Keep up with MBU.
  • Update dates in MBU.
  • See what I can do with the map for MBU.
  • Plant that rose plant.
  • Dither some more about opening that e-Trade account.
  • Dither some more about what to buy for the kids for Christmas, and my son's birthday.
  • Go to sleep around 9 every night. Get up around 5. At least - that's the plan. Speaking of which, I've got one hour left.
  • Rewatch Heroes and comment.
I don't really have much else to do. It's too cold to do anything outside. If I have extra time, maybe I'll write? I like writing.

mundane stuff

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