Busy Bee Me, but not today

Oct 26, 2013 10:21

I've been really busy the last couple weeks, but this weekend looks pretty open. I think I'll spend some time today writing. Here's my plans:

  • Finish and post the review of the first 100 pages of Mind/Body Health. It's fairly short.
  • Post another MBU chapter
  • Get onto AO3 and post whatever I missed getting on there last week when I was posting new fic
  • Rewatch last week's Heroes episode and watch tomorrow's. Prepare comments.
  • Watch SHIELD tonight with the boyfriend
  • Fold and put away laundry
  • And the main thing I want to do today: dust off the Peter Pounce story and see if I can whip that into publishable shape
  • D&D
  • Fix next week's lunches. I'm thinking sausage/veggie stir fry.
  • I need to bake up a new batch of sweet potatoes
In other news, life continues to be great for me. My boyfriend is swell, work pays well and keeps me busy, the kids and I are all healthy, my ex is staying out of my hair, my parents like me, etc. My weight loss continues at a steady 1-2 pounds a week and at the same time I'm building muscle (and hopefully stamina, but mainly I'm working on getting the right shape/proportion right now; next year I'll work on what I want to accomplish with my shiny new body. I'm thinking self defense classes right now). At this rate, I should reach my initial target weight of 150 in next April. That's losing about a third of my body weight in a little more than a year. Since that's still 25 pounds over what most health experts believe is my 'ideal' weight, I don't feel I'm doing anything rash by setting that as an initial goal.

I haven't had much of a social life lately, but that's okay. I'll keep my eyes open and keep on keeping on. My investments are doing well with a 15-20% increase this last year, plus next year, I'll finally start getting a 401k match from my employer. I've been pricing electrolysis or laser hair removal for my bristly chin situation. Things are good.

mundane stuff

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