This Long Weekend

Aug 31, 2013 12:40

On this long weekend, I hope to accomplish the following things:
  • Make bread
  • Write my review of Dawkins' book
  • Write something of a review of Sherlock
  • Write Petlar
  • Mow and if possible, edge or treat weeds with spray
  • Go to the BDSM club
  • Polish my shoes
  • Water my trees
  • Set up cuttings of wisteria to root
  • Buy masonry nails or get a better drill - perhaps both
  • Rewatch Heroes
  • Play D&D
  • Take and post pictures of the chickens
  • Go to lunch with my mother
  • Go grocery shopping
  • Keep up with MBU
  • Sort the laundry - fold and put away my stuff, set aside those of my kids
  • Revise and publish some of my previously written Petlar - this is a maybe
  • Set up meals for next week
  • Vacuum in my bathroom and the computer room

mundane stuff

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