
Mar 08, 2013 20:28

My aunt and uncle are still visiting from Michigan. My cousin has gone back to Houston. Tomorrow I plan on getting out with the kids and planting onion starts in my dad’s garden, but I’ll have to beat the rain. It’s supposed to (maybe?) rain tomorrow afternoon, which makes it the perfect time for planting. They’re Texas supersweet onions. I’m concerned the chickens are going to eat them (they like both onions and green, herby starts), but whatever. My part is to get the starts in the ground. My dad can figure out chicken regulation.

Speaking of the chickens, I figure we’ll be setting out the babies next week. The weather is supposed to warm up to the mid-70s and they’ll have an extra week to have grown feathers and get bigger. My father bought a dozen new little babies at the feed store. I think he did it to help a friend hit some volume discount, like how buying 50 chicks has a lower per-chick cost than buying 20 or 30. So now he has some tiny babies mixed in with the bigger and that makes it even more important to get those big ones out of there. One of the new ones got trampled last night and I'm sad about that. On thing thought, the size difference makes it real clear how much the others have grown in less than a month!

Aside from that, I have some writing to do, a couple Petlar stories in the works and a few drabbles. One of the stories is pure fluff. The other story has morphed into a weird multiple viewpoint exercise. It will take a lot more work before I publish any of it, but the drabbles will go up today and maybe the fluff this weekend. I want to watch the Matrix and comment on it for terror_scifi. I’ll watch Heroes Sunday, but my plan is to watch it earlier in the day, before D&D. In the past, trying to watch it during D&D has been tedious and disjointed. Trying to do anything that requires concentration during D&D has always been a bust and my attempts to do the rewatch haven’t gone well. So I’ll watch before and prepare my comments, then post them when the thread goes up.

mundane stuff

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