My goals for the weekend:
Fix my chicken soup
Finish (or at least advance on) Sexual Tension
Go clubbing Saturday night
Do the Heroes rewatch Sunday
Play D&D Sunday
Make more gingersnaps
Keep up on MBU
Post my latest Brick
Revise/edit into shape that other Brick entry (yes, as a matter of fact, I do seem to have started writing again! For a week or two there, I seemed to have quit. It was very worrying.)
Clean up the guide to Shattered Salvation and post it
Give DD3 my opinion on the powers doc
Other interesting things:
This news story about sexist book covers.The Hawkeye Test - this is a fantastic site! If Avengers Hawkeye can replace a female character in a particular pose without looking silly or stupid, then it's probably non-sexist. This site showcases the idiocy where he can't.
And another thing - Go to your local Craigslist. Open 'men for women'. Read the first half dozen entries. Scroll down the page to get a feel for the rest. Now open 'women for men'. Repeat. See the difference? DAMN! It's fucking profound!