Movie review: Prometheus (no spoilers)

Dec 02, 2012 17:55


It's never a good sign when a movie gets the Mystery Science Theatre treatment from me. A friend brought over the DVD and we watched it, stopping frequently to remark on the stupidity of various things that happened. The special effects were great, the universe it was set in was fantastic. A lot of it remained suspenseful and thrilling, but there was an equal amount of tension induced by wondering why the characters were being such idiots.

When it was over, we searched for Easter eggs or even a commentary which might explain the show. There was none. Or, well, there was an Easter egg that tied the Aliens universe together with the Bladerunner verse, but it didn't explain what we wanted to know.

So after kvetching about the movie a bit to one another, we moved on to better topics and put the otherwise forgettable movie out of mind.


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