Perfect Love

Nov 03, 2012 14:52

Title: Perfect Love
Characters: Gabriel, Peter
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word count: 300
Setting: Shattered Salvation
Summary: Gabriel considers why he loves Peter.

He didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it before. Peter was … not the only person in the world who he could be with. Peter was thoughtless … insensitive (odd for an empath, but so it was). He was dumb, maybe even stupid. Reckless (although that went with the ‘dumb’ part). If Peter understood better the consequences of his actions, he wouldn’t take so many risks. He had tunnel vision a lot of the time, becoming fixed on an objective and not always realizing the larger context. Which was also where his insensitivity came from - that fixed, mission-oriented thinking prevented him from considering all the ways his actions would affect others. He was stubborn, erratic, and hypocritical (also probably all results of his overwhelming desire to accomplish things and limited intellectual capacity to plan and achieve them). Peter … was not perfect, and Gabriel saw that clearly at this moment.

But …

He was also kind-hearted, giving, forgiving, large in character, industrious, helpful, generous, and loving. Gabriel’s eyes watered because yes, Peter was loving and the idiot loved him. Peter had chosen to love him, allowed himself to love him, and found it inside of himself to love the screwed up person Gabriel was through one of the rougher periods of both of their lives. He hadn’t just fallen for Gabriel head over heels, letting his dick or even his heart make the decision for him. Being with Gabriel was likely the most mature and cerebral decision Peter had ever made. That was sexy. Peter was sexy. He was friendly and patient and honest. And maybe Peter did get a little over-focused on things - that was hardly something Gabriel didn’t do himself from time to time. Maybe Gabriel could be with other people, but he didn't want to be. Peter was perfect to him, imperfections and all.

gabriel, shattered salvation, rated g, !fandom: heroes, peter

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