That's what I'm doing this weekend. Just lazing around. At least for the rest of it. Yesterday I watered trees, read a bit of the book I'm chewing away on (
Liars and Outliers by Bruce Schneier - it's about trust and security systems), and worked on Syko. I'm up to 7,000 words on Syko so far, though it's likely that a lot of that will hit the cutting room floor when I go back to revise. Speaking of Syko, I talked to a friend last night about it, who knows very little about Heroes. I was pleased that he immediately saw the potential for identity drift inherent in shape-shifting. He also volunteered to do a read-through on the draft for me.
Last night, I got more than 8 hours of sleep last night (yay!) When my alarm went off this morning at 6, I laid there for an hour letting my mind drift. This was planned. It was lovely. Then I got up and about because I had an all-day leadership retreat to go to for the purchasing manager association I'm part of. That sucked up a lot of brain power. We got out early, so I dropped by a live action gaming group I'd been told about. They meet twice a month for Mage and Vampire games. I don't think I'll join them just yet, but it was nice to see them. I hung out for an hour letting them tell me about the new rules and watching how the people interacted with one another. Then I went to my parent's house, helped my mom with dinner, ate, and hand-washed all her dishes. Now I'm home.
In a bit, I'll start playing D&D and do my bills during it. Tomorrow, I'll probably write more Syko and I'll definitely rewatch Heroes. I might make some bread. I don't have anything else to do. I think I'm all caught up on beta'ing things. If the muse strikes, I'll write that heroes_contest Spirit entry I thought about earlier in the week.