Bricks in the Wall, Chapter 25: Novelty Value

Jun 19, 2012 18:28

Title: Novelty Value
Characters: Sylar, Peter
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word count: 360
Setting: The Wall
Summary: Sylar shares a quiet, profound moment.

Sylar’s fingers skimmed ever-so-lightly over Peter’s hair, reveling in how it felt to touch someone who was with him willingly, knowing who and what he was. He could barely believe the previous twelve hours had happened and that here he was, in bed with the man. Peter stirred finally at the continuing, slight caresses, blinking up sleepily at him. Sylar snatched his hand away and did his best to appear guiltless. That was tough - Peter had stripped away one defense after another until he felt more naked than he’d ever been. Sylar found himself being self-conscious at every turn and wildly insecure.

Peter gave him a long, wary gaze before looking away and, most surprisingly to Sylar, snuggling up closer. How long until those looks fade? Sylar wondered, tingling inside that despite his reservations, Peter accepted him as a source of comfort. Will there come a day when he’s not guarded against me? Sylar could only hope, but the fact that he’d made it this far made it seem possible. Peter was too tense to have fallen back to sleep, so Sylar raised his hand to pet his head more openly. He hadn’t been refused, after all. Peter made a small sound of pleasure and cuddled a bit tighter, relaxing now due solely to Sylar’s touch.

That sound … it moved Sylar more than even their first kiss. His heart soared so much he felt light-headed. It was such a simple thing, but to have touched someone and had them show contentment instead of fear, solace instead of fright! He’d touched Peter’s silky hair and instead of a flinch, gained a wriggle and squeeze. It took Sylar’s breath away, which seemed like a very strange reaction to him. He wanted to pull Peter up and kiss him joyfully. He barely restrained himself, instead laying his hand to the side of Peter’s head and hugging it to his chest as he shut his eyes, lashes wet.

Someone liked him, and it wasn’t just for the sex, the abilities, or some arcane manipulative ploy - an experience so novel it was heart-breaking.

bricks, !fandom: heroes, peter, rated pg

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